Links to the new portal are on our website. We also have a link to the new portal on the OMMA homepage at, or you can use the buttons and navigation menu options for patients, businesses and more and find it there.

Licensing Portal
Click here to access the Licensing Portal to apply for an OMMA patient license, business license or employee credential. You can sign in to your account or create a new one if this is your first application with OMMA.
Visit the the Patient Licenses, Commercial Licenses or Employee Credentialing pages for information on what's needed for each application type.
For Previous Applications Before January 2022
OMMA switched licensing portals on Jan. 24, 2022. Here are instructions to migrate your data and set up a profile in the portal in use now.
Often works best with the Google Chrome browser.
- Click this link to the Thentia licensing software portal.
- Select "Access portal."
- Select "Sign up now" at the bottom of the section.
- Enter in the email address.
- Click "Send verification code."
- Go to email inbox to retrieve the code.
- Enter in the code on the sign-in page.
- Click "Verify Code."
- Upon confirmation that your email has been verified, create password and confirm password.
- Enter in first name (given) and last name (surname). You can enter NA if not applicable.
- Click "Create."
- Click "Access portal" again and login with new credentials.
- Select "Patient Portal."
- You will need to create a profile unless you have one listed below. If you already have a profile, you can click "Select."
- Select "Apply for new license" to start application.
If you have any issues or need help please call (405) 522-6662.
Last Modified on
Aug 06, 2024