OMMA’s current rules took effect Oct. 29, 2024.
The emergency rule updates include changes required by new state laws, including Senate Bill 1939 and House Bill 3361 from the 2024 legislative session. The emergency rules clarify required application materials and outline the license transfer process pursuant to Senate Bill 1939. Pre-packaging requirements that go into effect on June 1, 2025, required by House Bill 3361, are added to these emergency rules, simplifying regulatory requirements for Oklahoma businesses.
The changes have been summarized below:
- Changes to required application materials like ownership transfers, pursuant to Senate Bill 1939, occur at OAC 442:10-3-1(c-e), OAC 442:10-4-2(c)(2); OAC 442:10-4-2(e)(A)(i); OAC 442:10-4-3(e); OAC 442:10-5-2(c); OAC 442:10-5-2(e); OAC 442:10-5-3(e)(8-9); and OAC 442:10-9-3(e)(9).
- New definitions for “change of ownership request”, “license transfer application”, “location change request”, and “name change request” provide clarification of the new ownership transfer requirements pursuant to Senate Bill 1939 and are added to definitions at OAC 442:10-1-4.
- Updated time frames to submit renewal applications pursuant to Senate Bill 1939 are incorporated at OAC 442:10-4-2(c)(6) and OAC 442:10-5-2(c)(5).
- Specific location prohibitions regarding multiple licenses of the same type pursuant to Senate Bill 1939 are added to OAC 442:10-5-2(b)(2).
- Amendments regarding ownership transfers pursuant to Senate Bill 1939 are added to OAC 442:10-4-2(e); OAC 442:10-5-2(e); and OAC 442:10-9-2(e)(2).
- Language regarding the possession, sale, or transfer of medical marijuana upon expiration of a license are added to OAC 442:10-4-2(d); OAC 442:10-5-2(d); and OAC 442:10-9-2(d)(1) as required by Senate Bill 1939.
- Rules requiring medical marijuana to be sold in pre-packaged quantities beginning June 1, 2025, pursuant to House Bill 3361 are added to OAC 442:10-7-1 and OAC 442:10-7-2. Specific prohibitions regarding opening pre-packaged products are added to OAC 442:10-5-16(s).
Current Rules and More Resources
Current rules
- SQ 788 and current state statutes
- Recent legislation
Last Modified on
Oct 30, 2024