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Seed-to-Sale (Metrc)

OMMA uses Metrc for the statewide seed-to-sale inventory tracking system. All OMMA-licensed businesses must be fully Metrc-compliant.

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Getting Started and Training

Get Started With Required Training

The owner or key administrator of each commercial license is required to take Metrc’s New Business class to become credentialed in Metrc.

Licensees can use the Metrc scheduler to sign up for New Business training, offered each weekday. The class is also offered on demand through Metrc Learn in your Metrc account.

When you complete the training, reach out to Metrc’s Support team to get credentialed.

Optional Training

Licensees already credentialed in Metrc can take advanced training courses in Metrc Learn and using the Metrc scheduler. Metrc also has has helpful information for licensees in the Metrc Knowledge Center.

Without a Metrc login, you can also watch training videos on its Oklahoma web page and its YouTube channel on the following topics (and many others):  

Metrc Users' Guide

OMMA prepared a Metrc Users' Guide to help with basic information and common errors.

Zero Inventory

Businesses with zero inventory must still be credentialed in Metrc.

Starting June 30, 2023, commercial licensees required to submit zero inventory reports must report that information in Metrc using the Operational Exception function. 

Licensees reporting zero inventory must do so by the 15th day of each month with information from the preceding month. As an example, July 15 is the due date for the June 1-30 monthly inventory report. Use the Operational Exception function in Metrc to report zero inventory. 

OMMA's Monthly Reporting Template, the electronic form on the Qualtrics platform, is no longer available and is impermissible for zero inventory reporting as of July 1, 2023.

Using the Operational Exception function in Metrc will satisfy the OMMA rules requirement for monthly inventory tracking only for licensees reporting zero inventory. Untimely reports can also be submitted through Metrc's Operational Exception function.

Please refer to Metrc's OK Bulletin 23 for details. 

For questions, contact Metrc Support at or 877-566-6506.


Contact OMMA or Metrc

Contact Metrc first for all issues related to Metrc. Metrc will contact OMMA on your behalf if they need help resolving an issue for your account. Call the Metrc Call Center at 877-566-6506, or send an email to

Call the OMMA Call Center at 405-522-6662 or contact us with questions about OMMA.

Agreed Order (Court Document)

On Feb. 25, 2022, OMMA, Metrc and plaintiffs reached an agreement allowing Oklahoma’s seed-to-sale system to move forward.

The Agreed Order, filed Feb. 25, 2022, in Oklahoma County District Court, lifted the restraining order that blocked OMMA from implementing a seed-to-sale tracking and tagging system for the medical marijuana industry. Metrc, a co-defendant with OMMA in the now-vacated restraining order, is OMMA’s contractor for the program.

According to the Agreed Order signed by District Judge Natalie Mai:

  1. Licensed medical marijuana businesses had until May 26 to comply with the Metrc seed-to-sale tracking system.
  2. Dispensaries have until Wednesday, Aug. 24 to sell or legally dispose of untagged medical marijuana products in their inventory.
  3. OMMA was required to conduct at least five online seminars by May 26 to educate licensees on the new seed-to-sale system.
  4. OMMA will ensure adequate Call Center staff is on hand to respond to questions about seed-to-sale program implementation.

NCS Analytics

We're partnering with NCS Analytics to make data-driven decisions that improve regulation and enforcement.

By tracking seed-to-sale data like plant counts, product types and licensee numbers, the NCS Platform analyzes data from across the supply chain, helping to identify anomalies our staff may need to investigate, including potential diversion, improper financial relationships or underpayment of excise taxes. This data analysis provides an overall picture of the industry that has never before been available in Oklahoma.

Oklahoma's NCS Platform dashboard is on the NCS Analytics website.

For more on OMMA’s partnership with NCS, read this news release and download the presentation from the March 2022 meeting of the Medical Marijuana Advisory Council.

Pay My Fine

If you received a Notice of Monetary Penalty from OMMA about a $500 fine related to noncompliance with Metrc, you can mail a check or pay the fine online using a credit card in our licensing portal. 

To Mail a Check

Checks should be made payable to the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority for $500. Enclose a copy of the Notice of Monetary Penalty. Mail the check and copy of the notice to: 

Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority
P.O. Box 262266
Oklahoma City, OK 73126-2266

To Pay Online

1. Log in to your account on OMMA's licensing portal. Select the green "Business Portal" button after you log in. 

2. Select the business profile for the license issued the fine.

3. From the Dashboard under Business Licenses, select "Manage Business" for the business license issued the fine.

4. Select "Invoices and Receipts" from the menu.

5. Find the outstanding invoice and select "Review & Pay."

6. Select "Pay by Credit Card" at the bottom of the invoice to process your payment. 

OMMA-Metrc News and Updates

OMMA sends information about Metrc directly to licensees using the email address linked to each license. You can also find OMMA-distributed information about Metrc on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

Bulletins From Metrc

Metrc sends Bulletins to licensees via email. Find the Bulletins at the bottom of Metrc's Oklahoma page, or using the Oklahoma filter in Metrc's Bulletin archive.

Metrc Knowledge Center

Look for training videos specific to Oklahoma and more in the Metrc Knowledge Center -- you need a Metrc login to access the videos.

Emails From OMMA to All Licensees

Emails From OMMA to Licensees Not Yet Metrc-Credentialed

In-Person and Online Training Seminars (Co-Hosted with Metrc)

  • Growers: May 3 (twice) and May 4, 2022. Now on YouTube.
  • Dispensaries: May 4 and May 5 (twice), 2022. Now on YouTube.
  • Processors: May 3, May 5 and May 6, 2022. Now on YouTube.
  • Transporters/Waste Facilities: May 4, 2022. Now on YouTube.
  • Testing Laboratories: May 17 and May 18, 2022. Now on YouTube.

Emails From OMMA to Specific Licensees

Social Media

News Releases

You may find rule citations on this page helpful. For a more comprehensive understanding, review all OMMA Rules at If you have questions about the rules, OMMA encourages you to seek legal counsel.

Last Modified on Jun 27, 2024
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