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Education License

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An education facility license authorizes the licensee to provide training and education to people involving the cultivation, growing, harvesting, curing, preparing, packaging or testing of medical marijuana, or the production, manufacture, extraction, processing, packaging or creation of medical-marijuana-infused products or medical marijuana products for the limited education and research purposes approved in the application. Education facility licensees are authorized to transfer, by sale or donation, medical marijuana grown within its operation to licensed research licensees, and to transfer to licensed testing laboratories.

  • Every applicant must supply a project description in the application.
  • Biomedical and clinical regulations subject to federal regulations and institutional oversight are NOT subject to OMMA licensure or regulations.
  • By law, education facility applicants MUST be a non-profit and are required to provide non-profit registration with the application.
  • Education facility applicants who are using public funds or working with public institutions must provide information and documentation of their involvement and meet additional criteria.

Owners and officers must pass a background check.

Other restrictions and requirements apply. See the Commercial Application Checklist, our FAQs and our rules for more information on requirements.

Licensed researchers must comply with Title 63 O.S. § 420 et seq. and the Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) 442:10. Licenses are valid for one year.

The nonrefundable application fee is $500 plus a $13.30 credit card processing fee.

OMMA processes commercial license applications within 90 business days.

How-To Video (Applications)

New Businesses

Business Renewals


  • Project description – Please reference the Guidance Document for specific requirements.
  • Certificate of Compliance – All research facility and education facility applicants will be required to submit a Certificate of Compliance from the political subdivision that has jurisdiction where the facility is located (city or county). Research and/or education facilities located within Oklahoma City may submit the Certificate of Compliance provided by Oklahoma City. Applicants are encouraged to contact their city or county and visit the commercial licensing page for more information on this process before submitting their application.
  • Non-profit registration – All education facility applicants must supply non-profit registration with the Oklahoma Secretary of State.
  • Residency Requirements – Research facility applicants that are privately owned (not a public institution) need to show proof of residency to establish that 75% of the owners are Oklahoma residents. Proof of Oklahoma residency can be established by providing a digital, color copy of one or more of the following documents:
    • Oklahoma driver’s license
    • Oklahoma identification card
    • Utility bills, excluding cellular telephone and internet bills
    • A residential property deed to property in the State of Oklahoma
    • A current rental agreement for residential property located in the State of Oklahoma
  • Background checks and proof of identification – Background checks and proof of identification are required for either owners, principal officers (e.g., board members), or principal and co-principal investigators, depending on the applicant.
  • Contracts and agreements – Applicants who are using public funds or working with public institutions need to supply documentation of contract(s) and agreement(s) that show how public funds and/or public institutions are involved in the research.

The application fee for a research license or education license is $500. Application fees will be paid by Visa, MasterCard, or Discover credit or debit card. An additional credit card processing fee will be added to the transaction. These application and processing fees are non-refundable. The payment will not be refunded for applications not approved.

Research and education licenses are valid for one year, unless revoked by OMMA.

Research licenses allow the licensee to grow, cultivate, possess and transfer medical marijuana for research purposes. Education licenses allow the licensee to grow, cultivate, posses and transfer medical marijuana for educational purposes, and to provide training and education on growing, cultivating, harvesting, curing, preparing, processing or packaging of medical marijuana.

Notify OMMA by filling out our Notice of Loss/Theft Form as soon as you realize product is unaccounted for because of a natural disaster. Please provide the business name, license number and details about the missing product, including Metrc RFID tag numbers if known.

Go to our License Transfer page for details.

A new attestation form along with the state background check will temporarily meet the national background check requirement included in HB 2095 (2023). All persons of interest and Transporter Agents must upload:

You may find rule citations on this page helpful. For a more comprehensive understanding, review all OMMA Rules at If you have questions about the rules, OMMA encourages you to seek legal counsel.

Last Modified on Feb 03, 2025