Health Facility Systems
This office receives and processes license and renewal applications for Nursing Facilities, Assisted Living Centers, Adult Day Care Centers, Residential Care Homes, Continuum of Care Facilities, and Specialized Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities or Alzheimer's disease. The program also administers the certificate of need regulations for nursing facilities and psychiatric and chemical dependency facilities.
The Heath Facility Systems staff receives and processes applications for Adult Day Care Center licenses, renewals and amendments.
Initial License Fee: $75.00 (180-day license) Renewal License Fee: $ 225.00 ($75.00 per year) x (3 years)
Changes in License Renewal Date (October 15, 2021)
Letter Overview
(C1063 2011 O.S. § 1-874) A. Effective November 1, 2021, adult day care facility licenses will be renewed every three years. The total cost for an initial 180 day license is $75.00. For a license renewal, the total cost is $225.00. The renewal total = ($75.00) x (3 years).
Adult Day Care Act, 63 O.S. §§ 1-870 et seq.
Adult Day Care Center Rules, OAC 310:605
- Adult Day Care License Application, ODH Form 712
- Disclosure Statement of Owner, Lessee and Manager for a Long-Term Care Facility, ODH Form 953- B
- Detail Attachment to the Disclosure Statement, ODH Form 953-C
- Affirmation Attachment to the Disclosure Statement, ODH Form 953-D
- Staffing Projection and Professional Certification for a Nursing or Long-Term Care Facility, ODH Form 953-E
- Adult Day Care Renewal Application Checklist
- Affidavit of Lawful Presence by Person Making Application for a License, Permit or Certification, ODH Form 301
- *Required for an applicant applying for a license as an individual.
- Affidavit of Lawful Presence by Guardian of Person Making Application for a License, Permit or Certification, ODH Form 266
- *Required for an applicant applying for a license as an individual.
- ODH Form 958, Notice of Change for All Facility Types
Before a long term care facility may offer care or treatment as a special care provider, each provider shall file a standardized disclosure form with the Department. The law and rule provide for the disclosure of information on special care provided to persons with Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders at facilities, homes and centers licensed by the Oklahoma State Department of Health. The rule is authorized under the Alzheimer’s Disease Special Care Disclosure Act linked below. (63 O.S. Supp. 1998, Section 1-879.2a et seq.)
A "Special care provider" means a provider that advertises, markets, or otherwise promotes itself as providing care or treatment to persons with Alzheimer’s disease or related disorders in a special unit or under a special program. [63 O.S. § 1-879.2c]
To obtain a PDF of your digital form, after you submit it, select "Download PDF." This will generate a PDF document of your submission. Include a printout of this PDF with any mailed applications that require the ODH 613 form.

Nursing facilities may be licensed as a specialized facility. This means that they provide inpatient long-term care services on a twenty-four-hour basis to a limited category of persons requiring such services. There are less than five nursing facilities that are licensed as specialized facilities for the care of residents with Alzheimer's and related dementias.
Both assisted living facilities and nursing facilities must file a disclosure if they advertise, market, or otherwise promote their facility as providing care or treatment to persons with Alzheimer's disease, or related disorders in a special unit or under a special program. These are colloquially called memory care centers, but there is no legal definition for these facilities. A memory care center may be in an assisted living center or a nursing home. It may be a portion of the facility or the entire facility.
Our facility directories identify those facilities that have submitted disclosures to offer care or treatment as a special care provider. Below is table that provides a list of facilities with links to their submitted disclosure form.
Facilities with a * before their name have not submitted a current Alzheimer's Disease or Related Disorders Special Care Disclosure Form.
Facility Type Legend: ADC = Adult Day Care Center; ALF = Assisted Living Facility; NF = Nursing Facility; SNF = Skilled Nursing Facility; VA = Veterans Center; CC = Continuum of Care
To obtain a PDF of your digital form, after you submit it, select "Download PDF." This will generate a PDF document of your submission. Include a printout of this PDF with any mailed applications that require the ODH 613 form.

Follow this link for Oklahoma's Inspection Reports. For five star ratings on nursing home inspection history, staffing, and quality measures follow this link to Nursing Home Compare.
Oklahoma law at Title 63 O.S. § 1-1951(A)(3) requires that nurse aide training programs must include ten (10) hours of training in the care of Alzheimer’s patients.
The Code of Federal Regulations at 42 CFR 483.152(b)(5), and applicable to nursing and skilled nursing facilities, requires the curriculum of the nurse aide training program to include under care of cognitively impaired residents:
(i) Techniques for addressing the unique needs and behaviors of individual with dementia (Alzheimer's and others);
(ii) Communicating with cognitively impaired residents;
(iii) Understanding the behavior of cognitively impaired residents;
(iv) Appropriate responses to the behavior of cognitively impaired residents; and
(v) Methods of reducing the effects of cognitive impairments.
The Oklahoma Chapter of the Alzheimer's Association provided the following link for information on a variety of professional training programs options that reflect current evidence-based quality care practices outlined in the Alzheimer's Association's Dementia Care Practice Recommendations (link).
The Alzheimer-Dementia Disclosure Act Advisory Council is authorized by House Bill No. 1794. The council shall consist of nine (9) members appointed by the State Commissioner of Health. The members shall be individuals who have knowledge and expertise in the field of memory care or individuals who are consumer representatives directly impacted by memory care services.
Denise Hawkins | Chair | |
Lisa Molinsky | Vice Chair | |
Sheree Martin | Secretary | |
Mary Brinkley | Member | |
Mike Charboneau | Member | |
Melissa Holland | Member | |
Annette Mays | Member | |
Dr. Germaine Odenheimer | Member | |
The council makes recommendations to the State Commissioner of Health regarding the disclosure form and rules promulgated pursuant to the Alzheimer’s, Dementia, and Other Forms of Dementia Special Care Disclosure Act.
2025 Meetings
Feb. 25, 2025 | 1:30 PM | OSDH 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73102 |
Agenda |
Feb. 21, 2024 CANCELLED |
1:30 PM | OSDH 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73102 |
May 15, 2024 CANCELLED |
1:30 PM | OSDH 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73102 |
March 29, 2023 | 1:30 PM | OSDH 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73102 |
Agenda | |
June 21, 2023 CANCELLED |
1:30 PM | OSDH 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73102 |
Agenda | |
September 20, 2023 | 1:30 PM | OSDH 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73102 |
Agenda | |
November 15, 2023 CANCELLED |
1:30 PM | OSDH 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73102 |
Agenda |
Wednesday, CANCELLED |
1:30 PM | OSDH 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73102 |
Wednesday, March 16, 2022 |
1:30 PM | OSDH 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73102 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
Wednesday, May 18, 2022 |
1:30 PM | OSDH 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73102 |
Agenda | Minutes |
Wednesday, July 20, 2022 |
1:30 PM | ODOT Training Facility 5307 NE 122nd St. Oklahoma City, OK 73131 |
Agenda | Minutes |
Wednesday, CANCELLED |
1:30 PM | OSDH 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73102 |
Wednesday, CANCELLED |
1:30 PM | OSDH 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73102 |
The Health Facility Systems Staff receives and processes Continuum of Care & Assisted Living Center applications for initial licenses, renewals and amendments.
Initial License Fee: 180 days (number of beds) x ($10.00) x (0.5)
Renewal License Fee: (number of beds) x ($10.00) x (3 years). An additional fee of Seventy-five Dollars ($75) shall accompany a facility that includes an adult day care service.
Establishment Fee: $1000.00
(63 O.S. § 1-1905) A. Effective November 1, 2021, assisted living and continuum of care facility licenses will be renewed every three years. Total Fee = (number of beds) x ($10.00) x (3 years).
Board of Health Action
The Board of Health in 1998 adopted rules for the licensure of continuum of care facilities and assisted living centers. The rules most recently amended were effective June 25, 2007.
The Continuum of Care and Assisted Living Act, which became law on May 20, 1997, authorized two new types of health care or residential settings – the continuum of care facility and the assisted living center. The continuum of care facility is capable of providing more services than are available in a typical nursing facility. The assisted living center offers a level of services between current nursing facilities and residential care homes.
Consumer Choice
Care plans and room setting can be adjusted to meet each resident’s needs and capabilities. As people age, they might not have to move when they start to need more care or assistance. The Consumer can choose a facility that offers services to meet current and future needs for personal care or skilled nursing care. Instead of being limited to current residential or nursing facility designs, consumers will be able to choose a living arrangement that meets their expectations for independence and privacy.
Provider Flexibility
Existing residential care and nursing facility providers may continue operating under their current licenses or may step up to meet requirements for the new license types. Continuum of care facilities and assisted living centers can adapt care plans and physical plants to the types of residents they intend to serve. Residents might not have to be discharged based on short-term variations in their health status or ability to ambulate. Services can be integrated, allowing facilities and centers to compete in the changing health care market place. Assisted living center licensure will be available to fill the gap between residential and nursing care.
The Continuum of Care and Assisted Living rules, Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) 310:663, require facilities to report to the Department for review substantial changes to the information originally reported in the license application. Complete the Assisted Living Center or Continuum of Care Facility License Application (ODH Form 624), indicating the application is submitted as an “Amendment to current license or information reported.” Most frequently, this addresses changes in the facility administrator.
OAC 310: 663-27-1: Any substantial change in the information originally reported in the license application shall be submitted to the Department for review.
OAC 310: 663-27-2: Within thirty (30) days after receipt, the Department shall approve or deny proposed changes or required filings.
The Assisted Living Center or Continuum of Care Facility licensure application packet consists of the following forms and attachments.
- Assisted Living Center or Continuum of Care Facility License application, ODH Form 624 (initial/establishment/amended)
- Assisted Living Center or Continuum of Care Renewal License application, ODH Form 624 R
- Disclosure Statement of Owner, Lessee and Manager for a Long-Term Care Facility, ODH Form 953-B
- Detail Attachment to the Disclosure Statement, ODH Form 953-C
- Affirmation Attachment to the Disclosure Statement, ODH Form 953-D
- Staffing Projection and Professional Certification For A Nursing Or Long-term Care Facility, ODH Form 953-E
- Schedule B Long Term Care Facilities Projected Budget of Revenues and Expenses
- Resident Needs Chart
- Affidavit of Lawful Presence by Person Making Application for a License, Permit or Certification, ODH Form 301
- *Required for an applicant applying for a license as an individual.
- Affidavit of Lawful Presence by Guardian of Person Making Application for a License, Permit or Certification, ODH Form 266
- *Required for an applicant applying for a license as an individual.
- Notice of Change for All Facility Types, ODH Form 958
To obtain a PDF of your digital form, after you submit it, select "Download PDF." This will generate a PDF document of your submission. Include a printout of this PDF with any mailed applications that require the ODH 613 form.

The Health Facility Systems staff receives and processes applications for Initial licenses, renewals, and amendments. Initial Nursing Home Licensure Process
Initial License Fee: 180 days (number of beds) x ($10.00) x (0.5)
Renewal License Fee: (number of beds) x ($10.00) x (3 years)
Nursing Home Care Act with Long Term Care Security Act (Title 63 O.S. Section 1-1901 et seq.)
Note: The applicable form below is required for an applicant applying for a license as an individual.
ODH Form 266, Affidavit of Lawful Presence by Guardian of Person Making Application for a License, Permit or Certification (32K)
ODH Form 301, Affidavit of Lawful Presence by Person Making Application for a License, Permit or Certification (29K)
Note: The following files make up the License Application and its attachments.
- ODH Form 953-A, License Application For Nursing or Specialized Facility (1M)
- ODH Form 953-B, Disclosure Statement Of Owner, Lessee and Manager for a Long-Term Care Facility (1M)
- ODH Form 953-C, Detail Attachment To the Disclosure Statement (84K)
- ODH Form 953-D, Affirmation Attachment To the Disclosure Statement (72K)
- ODH Form 953-E, Staffing Projection And Professional Certification For A Nursing Or Long-term Care Facility (84K)
- ODH Form 661, Qualified Temporary Manager Application (64K)
- Nursing Facility Renewal Application Instructions Checklist
To obtain a PDF of your digital form, after you submit it, select "Download PDF." This will generate a PDF document of your submission. Include a printout of this PDF with any mailed applications that require the ODH 613 form.

Effective July 1, 2016, nursing facility licenses will be renewed every three years. Total fee = (number of beds) x ($10.00) x (3 years). Your fee should accompany your form. Make checks payable to the Oklahoma State Department of Health.
ODH Form 953-F, Periodic Report for Suspended License for a Long-Term Care Facility (60K)
ODH Form 958, Notice of Change for All Facility Types (522K)
- List of Receivers
- Quarterly Nursing Home Ownership Report
- Quarterly Adult Day Care, Assisted Living, Continuum of Care, Residential Care Ownership Report
- Long Term Care Facility Owners, Operators and Managers
- NOTE: This last report is approximately 200 pages in length. To obtain a hard-copy of this report, contact Health Facility Systems. The copy charge is 25-cents per page.
Chapter 675, Nursing and Specialized Facilities (OAC 310:675)
Nursing facilities, specialized facilities for developmentally disabled clients, and hospital-based skilled nursing units must be approved or exempted under Oklahoma’s Certificate of Need laws before:
- Establishing a new facility;
- Increasing the number of beds at an existing facility;
- Acquiring ownership or operation of a facility; or
- Spending $1,000,000 or more on any project.
Long Term Care Certificate of Need Act 63 O.S., Section 1-850 et seq.
Certificate of Need Hearings OAC 310:4
Temporary Managers OAC 310:675-15
- Disclosure Statement ODH Form 614
- Standard Review ODH Form 615, Document 1 of 2 (fillable form)
- Schedule A&B ODH Form 615, Document 2 of 2
- Certificate of Need Application for Exemption of a Management Agreement ODH Form 812
- Certificate of Need Application for Exemption of Facility Replacement or Relocation ODH Form 371
- Certificate of Need Application for Review of Change of Ownership or Stock Transfer ODH Form 372
- Certificate of Need Application for Exemption of a Ten Bed or Ten Percent Expansion of Licensed Capacity ODH Form 372-B
- Management written statement ODH Form 618-B
- Applicant’s written statement ODH Form 618-N
- Staffing Projections ODH Form 953-E
- Projected Budget of Revenues and Expenses (Schedule B)
- Applicant and Persons with Controlling Interest ODH Form 614 – Table I.
- Related Legal Entities ODH Form 614 - Table II.
- Disclosure for Experience or Credentials Relating to LTC facilities ODH Form 614 -Table III.
- Affirmation Attachment Statement ODH Form 953-D
Facility Acquisition ODH Form 618-N
Occupancy data for the review of Nursing Facility Certificate of Need applications must be based on monthly reports that are submitted to the Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA) pursuant to Title 63 of the Oklahoma Statutes (O.S.) Section 1-1925.2(H).
§ 63-1-1925.2. Recalculation and Reimbursement from the Nursing Facility Quality Care Fund - Report
H. 1. The Oklahoma Health Care Authority shall require all nursing facilities subject to the provisions of the Nursing Home Care Act and Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICFs/IID) with seventeen or more beds to submit a monthly report on staffing ratios on a form that the Authority shall develop.
2. The report shall document the extent to which such facilities are meeting or are failing to meet the minimum direct-care-staff-to-resident ratios specified by this section. Such report shall be available to the public upon request.
3. The Authority may assess administrative penalties for the failure of any facility to submit the report as required by the Authority. Provided, however:
a. administrative penalties shall not accrue until the Authority notifies the facility in writing that the report was not timely submitted as required, and
b. a minimum of a one-day penalty shall be assessed in all instances.
4. Administrative penalties shall not be assessed for computational errors made in preparing the report.
5. Monies collected from administrative penalties shall be deposited in the Nursing Facility Quality of Care Fund and utilized for the purposes specified in the Oklahoma Healthcare Initiative Act.
2025 | |||
January | February | March | April |
May | June | July | August |
September | October | November | December |
Click below to see the reports for that year.
The data from the Quality of Care Reports received from the OHCA are compiled and published into the following occupancy reports by the Quality Improvement and Evaluation Service of the OSDH. Each report is sorted by facility type, then county. Any person interested in pursuing certificate of need approval for a bed expansion or a new nursing facility may rely on these occupancy statistics.
Reports are electronically compiled from the “Quality of Care Report” facilities file with the Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA). Any person interested in pursuing certificate of need approval for a bed expansion or a new nursing facility may request facility specific Quality of Care Reports.
The OHCA is implementing a database system for facilities to submit data electronically. During this transition period, some facilities may not be utilizing this system yet. Therefore, reports may be received from the OHCA in various formats. Copies of the monthly Quality of Care Reports may be requested from the OHCA at (405) 522-7313.
They are also available upon request through the Oklahoma State Department of Health with receipt of payment for reproduction charges. The cost for hard copies is $0.25 per page. A research fee of $25.00 per hour may apply in addition to the relative reproduction charge. Copies of the electronic monthly reports are also available on a CD (compact disc) for $1.00 per disc, in addition to the applicable research fee. Contact OSDH regarding availability and applicable reproduction and/or research fees.
To request copies of the monthly Quality of Care Reports, you may contact the Health Resources Development Service via mail, phone or email. Please specify the month and year of the requested Quality of Care Report(s).
123 Robert S. Kerr Ave., Suite 1702
Oklahoma City, OK 73102
Phone: (405) 426-8175
Fax: (405) 900-7571
On 05/06/2024, the Governor signed HB2330 into law. This bill removed the certificate of need requirement for psychiatric and chemical dependency facilities.
Records and/or document requests can be made for the following types of facilities:
- Long Term Care Surveys
- Nursing Homes
- Assisted Living Centers
- Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disability
- Adult Day Care Facilities
- Residential Care Homes
For any questions, email: or call (405) 426-8200 and ask for the Long Term Care Records Clerk.
View the license document that has the facility name, name of the operator, address, type of license, license number, number of beds and license expiration date.
- E-mail:
- Faxed to (405) 900-7571; or
- Call at (405) 426-8175
For best results, please provide the following information with your requests:
- Full name of facility
- Address and license number if known (i.e. 1005 SW OKC, NH5502)
- List documents and dates of records requesting (i.e. all license applications and correspondence for the last seven years.
Most of the Certificate of Need records for nursing facilities, specialized facilities for individuals with developmental disabilities clients, hospital-based skilled nursing units, psychiatric hospitals, psychiatric units and chemical dependency units have been scanned and are available in pdf format. These records include applications, supporting documents, and correspondence for the last seven years. In order to obtain these records, please submit an Open Records Request.
The Health Facility Systems staff receives and processes applications for licenses, renewals, and amendments.
Probationary Licenses $50.00
Renewal Licensure Fee: ($25.00) x (3 years).
Modification to License :$20.00
- Residential Care Act, Title 63 O.S. §§ 1-820 et seq.
- Residential Care Homes, OAC 310:680
License Application and Attachments
NOTE: The attachments are required to complete the License Application.
- License Application for Residential Care Home, ODH Form 728
- Disclosure Statement of Owners, Lessee and Manager for a Long-Term Care Facility, ODH Form 953-B
- Detail Attachment To the Disclosure Statement, ODH Form 953-C
- Staffing Projection And Professional Certification For A Nursing Or Long-term Care Facility, ODH Form 953-E
- ODH Form 958, Notice of Change for All Facility Types
Application for Qualified Temporary Manager
- Qualified Temporary Manager Application, ODH Form 661
For more information on residential homes that are certified for individuals with mental illness, please contact the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services.
Legal Resident Affidavit Forms
The applicable form below is required for an applicant applying for a license as an individual.
- Affidavit of Lawful Presence by Person Making Application for a License, Permit or Certification, ODH Form 301
- Affidavit of Lawful Presence by Guardian of Person Making Application for a License, Permit or Certification, ODH Form 266
The Health Facility Systems staff receives and processes applications for licenses, renewals, and amendments.
A Health Resources Development Service Monthly Report of Active Projects
"The Notice" is produced to meet the statutory obligations established in the Long-Term Care Certificate of Need Act. It provides a monthly report of active projects before the Department. Certificate of Need, Workplace Medical Plan, Health Maintenance Organization, and Independent Review Organization matters considered by the Health Resources Development Service are reported in this publication. Your comments, questions, evidence, and requests regarding these projects and this publication should be sent via the contact information at the bottom of this page.
63 Oklahoma Statute Section 1-857.1(B) The Department shall post on the Department’s Internet site a monthly report which shall include the status of each review currently being conducted, the reviews completed since the last report issued, and a general statement of the findings and decisions made in the course of these reviews.
The June 1, 2004 edition of "The Notice" was the last to be mass-mailed on paper by the Oklahoma State Department of Health. Section 8 of Enrolled House Bill 2723 [O.S. § 1-85731(B)] changed the distribution method for Certificate of Need status reports. The amended law requires posting the monthly notice to the Oklahoma State Department of Health Internet site. "The Notice" was mailed monthly in Oklahoma for more than 25 years. The change allows distributing the Certificate of Need project information in a less costly and more timely manner via the Internet. "The Notice is now distributed exclusively through the Oklahoma State Department of Health Internet site.
Contact Information
Mailing Address:
Oklahoma State Department of Health
Health Resources Development Service
123 Robert S. Kerr Ave., Suite 1702
Oklahoma City, OK 73102-6406
Physical Address:
Oklahoma State Department of Health
123 Robert S. Kerr Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK
Phone: (405) 426-8175
Fax: (405) 900-7571