Draft - Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
- EMS Statutes (Pulled from OAR 01-02-2025)
- EMS Regulations (Pulled from OAR site 01-02-2025)
- EMS Personnel Certification and License Status List (as of January 8, 2025)
- Recognitions of Emergency Medical Services Personnel Licensure Interstate Compact
- PRESS RELEASE - Interstate Commission for EMS Personnel Practice Releases Draft Rules for Public Comment
The EMS division is created by statute in OS 63 1-2501 et seq., titled the Emergency Response Systems Development Act (formerly the Emergency Medical Services Act.)
The Act requires the health department to develop Rules for administering emergency response systems in the state. These are codified in the Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) in Chapter 310.
The Act also charges the Commissioner of Health, through EMS division, with oversight for many aspects of EMS including:
- A comprehensive plan for EMS development
- Certification of training programs and approval of training courses,
- EMT testing and licensure
- Collection of statewide EMS data
- Maintaining a standard run report form
- Emergency Medical Service agency licensure
- Stretcher Aid Van licensure
- Emergency Medical Response Agency Certification
- Trauma Systems Development
EMS Staff facilitate the work of the Oklahoma Trauma and Emergency Response Advisory Council (OTERAC). The Council advises the Commissioner of Health and the Board of Health on EMS issues.
In late 2005 Governor Brad Henry convened the EMS Readiness Task Force to review the major challenges to EMS in Oklahoma and recommend action. Governor's EMS Readiness Task Force Final Report
The Protocol Application details the steps and directions for the approval of new protocols for Ambulance Services and Emergency Medical Response Agencies.
The cover letter identifies the protocols that have been changed or added since the last update. The application for protocols not only applies to the 2022 edition of protocols, but any future protocol submissions from an agency to our office.
The application includes the Agency Authorized Procedure List that will need to be submitted with the application.
An example of an individual’s List of Authorized procedures is on the last page of the application. That form does not need to be returned to the department, but retained at the agency in the staff members credential file.
- 2022 Oklahoma EMS Protocols Application Packet
- 2018 State Protocols no references
- 2018 State Protocols with references and formulary
- Medical Director Protocol Attestation Form
- Medical Director Update
To request for your ambulance unit inspection, please click on the link below. You may also download a Step-by-Step guide on how to submit your request.
- Agency Initial Renewal and Amendment Application
- Medical Director Update
- Initial Renewal Update Individual Application
- Instructor Initial Renewal Application
- Military Reciprocity EMS Personnel License Application
- EMS Personnel Extension Request Form
2019 EMS Personnel Renewal Requirements
Nationally Certified EMS personnel must maintain their National Registry license in order to renew their Oklahoma license.
Nationally Certified EMS personnel may recertify by written examination or by fulfilling the required NCCP continuing education. Refer to the NREMT’s Agency Guide for Recertification for more information. (https://content.nremt.org/static/documents/Agency_Guide_Recert_8_18.pdf)
Education requirements for the NCCP program can be found on the NREMT website. (https://www.nremt.org/rwd/public/document/recertification) These CE’s do not require Oklahoma licensed EMS Instructors to teach them, and the individual CE’s do not require Oklahoma State approval.
LCCR: Oklahoma does not currently require CE’s under the Local Continued Competency Requirements portion of the NCCP.
Non-Nationally Certified EMS personnel still operate under pre-2016 statutes requiring a State approved refresher course and the additional Con-Ed requirements. This applies to Oklahoma EMR’s and “grandfathered” EMS professionals allowed to drop their National Registry certification before 2016. Additionally, the Oklahoma Intermediates certified as National Registry EMT’s but maintaining the Intermediate level must meet the NCCP requirements to maintain their National Registry EMT certification while also meeting the pre-2016 Oklahoma requirements of the State approved refresher course and Con-Ed Requirements. The CE requirements for State licensure and for NREMT’s NCCP can be shared.
Title X of the state constitution allows for the establishment of an ambulance service district, also referred to as “522” EMS districts after the state question that brought to issue to the people in 1976. An ambulance district formed under this section may currently asses a tax on all real property within the district up to a maximum of 3 mills.
Maps of 522 District Territories by Region:
- RTAB Region 1 522 Map.pdf
- RTAB Region 2 522 Map.pdf
- RTAB Region 3 522 Map.pdf
- RTAB Region 4 522 Map.pdf
- RTAB Region 5 522 Map.pdf
- RTAB Region 6 522 Map.pdf
Additional Info:
Oklahoma EMT & EMR Line of Duty Death Benefit
The Oklahoma State legislature passed HB 2693 in the 2008 session and HB 2551 in the 2010 session, providing for an EMT & EMR Line of Duty Death Benefit. The following are related excerpts from the Oklahoma Statute:
§63-1-2505.1. Emergency medical technician and medical responder death benefit. A. In the event of the death of any licensed emergency medical personnel or a certified emergency medical responder resulting from the official duties of such licensed emergency medical personnel or certified emergency medical responder performed while in the line of duty, the State Department of Health shall pay the designated beneficiary of the deceased the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00). B. If the designated beneficiary predeceases the emergency medical personnel or certified emergency medical responder and there is not an alternate or contingent beneficiary, the death benefit shall be payable to the personal representative of the decedent. C. All payments made pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be paid from the Emergency Medical Personnel Death Benefit Revolving Fund created pursuant to Section 1-2505.2 of this title. Added by Laws 2008, c. 43, § 1, eff. July 1, 2008. Amended by Laws 2010, c. 94, § 1, eff. July 1, 2010; Laws 2013, c. 23, § 4, eff. Nov. 1, 2013.
§63-1-2505.2. Emergency Medical Personnel Death Benefit Revolving Fund. There is hereby created in the State Treasury a revolving fund for the State Department of Health to be designated the "Emergency Medical Personnel Death Benefit Revolving Fund". The fund shall be a continuing fund, not subject to fiscal year limitations, and shall consist of all monies received by the State Department of Health from the fees imposed pursuant to Section 1-2505.3 of this title. All monies accruing to the credit of said fund are hereby appropriated and may be budgeted and expended by the State Department of Health for the purpose of making death benefit payments to the named beneficiary or personal representative of a deceased licensed emergency medical personnel or certified emergency medical responder pursuant to Section 1-2505.1 of this title. Expenditures from said fund shall be made upon warrants issued by the State Treasurer against claims filed as prescribed by law with the Director of the Office of Management and Enterprise Services for approval and payment. Added by Laws 2008, c. 43, § 2, eff. July 1, 2008. Amended by Laws 2010, c. 94, § 2, eff. July 1, 2010; Laws 2012, c. 304, § 489; Laws 2013, c. 23, § 5, eff. Nov. 1, 2013.
§63-1-2505.3. Application fee – Apportionment to revolving fund. A. In addition to any other fee that may be authorized by law or pursuant to administrative rule of the State Department of Health effective July 1, 2010, there shall be imposed a fee of: 1. Ten Dollars ($10.00) for each original application for licensed emergency medical personnel; 2. Two Dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) for each renewal application for licensed emergency medical personnel; 3. Ten Dollars ($10.00) for each original application for a certified emergency medical responder; and 4. Five Dollars ($5.00) for each renewal application for a certified emergency medical responder. B. The fees authorized by subsection A of this section shall be apportioned to the Emergency Medical Personnel Death Benefit Revolving Fund created pursuant to Section 1-2505.2 of this title. Added by Laws 2008, c. 43, § 3, eff. July 1, 2008. Amended by Laws 2010, c. 94, § 3, eff. July 1, 2010; Laws 2013, c. 23, § 6, eff. Nov. 1, 2013.
Each Oklahoma Licensed EMT or Registered EMR should complete the "Line of Duty Death Beneficiary Form", available through the hyperlink below. The form should be held in a safe place, or by the EMT's or EMR's employer. It should be forwarded to the Department upon the death of the EMT or EMR in the line of duty, with a letter explaining the circumstances and requesting the benefit be activated.
- Presentation to County Commissioners Board Meeting
- HB 1888 list of resources-toolkit
- House Bill 1888 Agency List for County Resources
- 1888 County Template
- Certified EMR Agencies
- The State Map of All EMS Agencies and Sub-Stations
- RTAB Region 1 522 Map
- RTAB Region 1 EMS Coverage Maps
- RTAB Region 2 522 Map
- RTAB Region 2 Coverage Map
- RTAB Region 3 522 Map
- RTAB Region 3 Coverage Area
- RTAB Region 4 522 Map
- RTAB Region 4 Coverage Area
- RTAB Region 5 522 Map
- RTAB Region 5 Coverage Area
- RTAB Region 6 522 Map
- RTAB Region 6 Coverage Area
- Adair County Plans
- Alfalfa County Plans
- Beckham County Plans
- Cleveland County Plans
- Comanche County Plans
- Creek County Plans
- Dewey County Plans
- Garfield County Plans
- Grady County Plans
- Harper County Plans
- Haskell County Plans
- Jefferson County Plans
- Johnston County Plans
- Kay County Plans
- Logan County Plans
- Mayes County Plans
- McClain County Plans
- McCurtain County Plans
- McIntosh County Plans
- Murray County Plans
- Noble County Plans
- Okmulgee County Plans
- Osage County Plans
- Ottawa County Plans
- Seminole County Plans
- Sequoyah County Plans
- Stephens County Plans
- Washington County Plans
- Washita County Plans
- Woods County Plans
- Woodward County Plans
If you believe you are exposed to a communicable disease in the performance of your duties as an EMT, you and your employer have certain rights and responsibilities, including reporting the exposure to the Oklahoma State Department of Health.
- HEMS Study - April 2012
- 2007 - Governor's EMS Readiness Task Force - Final Report
- 2009 - National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Reassessment of Emergency Medical Services
- Federal KKK Ambulance Regulations
- A Systems Development Guide For Emergency Medical Services
- EMS Board Handbook-April 2011
- Ground Vehicle Standard for Ambulances
EMS Statutes, Rules, Regulations and Legislation
Emergency Medical Services is tasked with inspecting and auditing EMS agencies through out the State of Oklahoma. The following are the EMS Rule Books for several years. The most current dated book holds the active rules as they stand today.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at Emergency Systems, EMS Division at (405) 426-8480.
Contact Information
Phone: (405) 426-8480
Fax: (405) 900-7560 or 4059007560@Xmedius.com (using email)
Email: Esystems@health.ok.gov