Draft - Trauma System Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)
Title 63 Oklahoma Statute OS §63-1-2530.5 requires the regional trauma advisory boards to conduct trauma system continuous quality improvement activities for the region.
The purpose of continuous quality improvement is to improve trauma patient care by:
- Measuring and evaluating the quality and effectiveness of the system of care based on the Oklahoma Trauma Triage Transport and Transfer algorithm, and established regional trauma plan.
- Assuring state and regional trauma standards of care are met and inappropriate variations of care are minimized.
- Prevent and decrease death and disability.
The Regional CQI Committees are sub-committees of the RTABs (Regional Trauma Advisory Boards). Members consists of representatives from Hospitals, EMS-ground and air services, and physicians reviewing system or process related issues. There are five committees:
- Region 1 Northwest
- Regions 2 Northeast, 4 East Central and 7 Tulsa County (combined)
- Region 3 Southwest
- Region 5 Southeast
- Regions 6 Central and 8 Oklahoma County (combined)
Contact Information
Phone: (405) 426-8480
Email: Esystems@health.ok.gov