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Draft - Trauma Division

Trauma is an injury or injuries, caused by an external force or violence. Trauma injuries may range from minor to severe, from obvious to non-apparent and may include single or multiple injuries. Traumatic injury*:

  • Leading cause of death between the ages of 1-44 in the United States*.
  • Third leading cause of death between ages of 45-64*.
  • Leading cause of Years of Potential Life Lost before age 65*.
  • Overall injury mortality rate in Oklahoma is 29% higher than the national average.

*Based on 2022 data from WISQARS, Centers for Disease Control.

Regional Trauma Advisory Board

System Continuous Quality Improvement

Trauma Care Assistance Revolving Fund

Oklahoma Trauma and Emergency Response Advisory Council

Contact Information

Phone: (405) 426-8480
Fax: (405) 900-7560 or (using email)
