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New Law Provides Security for Oklahoma Election Workers

Thursday, May 04, 2023

  Misha Mohr, State Election Board PIO | 405.522.6624 |

(Oklahoma City) – A bill creating new security protections for election officials is now the law in Oklahoma. Senate Bill 481, authored by Senator Dave Rader and Representative Jeff Boatman, was signed into law by Governor Kevin Stitt this week.

The new law makes it a crime to harass, intimidate, threaten or "dox" an election official. ("Doxing" is the release of personally identifiable information with malicious intent.) 

"It is unfortunate that even here in the State of Oklahoma, election officials have been doxed, harassed and even threatened by people who believe false claims about the conduct and administration of elections," State Election Board Secretary Paul Ziriax said. "As one those who has been doxed and threatened, I can tell you that election officials across this state are very grateful to the Legislature and the Governor for taking these threats seriously and enacting this legislation to deter and punish such actions in the future."

Additionally, the new law makes it a crime to impersonate an election official with the intent to influence an election. Senate Bill 481 also allows certain election officials to apply for restricted voter records status – preventing their residential addresses from being publicly disclosed.

“All election workers should be able to serve our state and perform their civic duties without fear of threats and harassment,” Ziriax said.

Voters can learn more about election security and integrity on the State Election Board website.


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URL Guide:
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Last Modified on May 04, 2023
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