Voter Assistance in Oklahoma
Oklahoma's Hart InterCivic eScan A/T voting device is equipped with an audio tactile interface (ATI) that enables a voter to listen to instructions for using the ATI controllers and an audio version of the ballot, to make selections for each race or question on the ballot, to review all selections and make changes if necessary, and finally to cast the ballot privately and independently. The voter's ballot selections are recorded electronically in the device's memory and included in the results for the precinct. No record will exist to tie an individual voter to a specific ATI ballot.
Voters who use "sip and puff" or tactile input switches may plug their own assistive devices into the ATI controller and use them to operate it.

- voters who have physical disabilities and are unable to mark their own ballots
- voters who have visual impairment
- voters who have physical disabilities or infirmities and are unable to enter the polling place
- voters who cannot read
Choosing Your Assistant
If you need assistance to vote, you may choose anyone you want to help you, as long as the person is not your employer or an agent of your employer or an agent of your union. You may be assisted by a relative, a friend, or by one of the Precinct Officials at your polling place.
Absentee Voting
Voters who are blind, as defined by Title 7, Section 72, may apply for an Accessible Absentee Ballot to be delivered to them electronically through the Electronic Accessible Delivery System (EADS). The EADS allows the voter to receive and mark the ballot electronically. However, the ballot must be printed and returned by mail, private delivery service, or in-person to the County Election Board using the Ballot Return Packet, which is mailed to the voter by the County Election Board.
Qualified voters can apply for Accessible Absentee Ballots through the OK Voter Portal.
Polling Place Accessibility
Oklahoma election officials are working to locate all polling places in buildings that are accessible to voters with disabilities.
In rare, extreme circumstances, some voters with physical disabilities still may be unable to enter their polling places. These voters may be assisted by two Precinct Officials outside the polling place. Call your local County Election Board for more information.
Other Assistance for Voters
If you need help to fill out the Oklahoma Voter Registration Application form, you may ask a friend or relative to help. The helper must write his or her name and address in the space provided on the application form. If you want to apply for voter registration but are unable to sign the form or even to make a mark on the form, contact your local County Election Board or the State Election Board for more information.