Election Security
Our mission is to achieve and maintain uniformity in the application, operation, and interpretation of state and federal election laws with a maximum degree of correctness, impartiality, and efficiency.
The State of Oklahoma has a uniform election system. This means that Oklahoma voters cast their ballot the same way in every county – following the same procedures, adhering to the same security protocols and using the same type of voting device.
Election Security Partners:
- The Oklahoma State Election Board partners with numerous agencies to keep state and county election officials briefed on current threat environments, remedy vulnerabilities, and monitor malevolent activities.
- County election boards work with local law enforcement, local emergency management and other agencies to ensure election security.
Voting Technology and Physical Security:
- Oklahoma uses an auditable and verifiable, paper ballot-based voting system.
- All 77 county election boards use the eScan A/T, an optical scan voting device, manufactured by Hart InterCivic to tabulate ballots.
- Voting devices cannot be connected to the internet and have built-in security features.
- Ballots are secured and a strict chain of custody is maintained through the certification of the election.
- Both paper ballots and printed vote tallies are secured until results are certified. Additionally, paper ballots and printed vote tallies are retained up to 24 months following the election.
- Every step of the election process – from the precinct level to the state level – is protected by an intricate security plan.
Accuracy and Integrity Practices:
- Both the State Election Board and County Election Board are bipartisan, consisting of members appointed from a list of nominees provided by the two largest, recognized political parties. The boards are comprised of at least one member from the party with the most registered voters in Oklahoma and at least one member from the party with the second most registered voters in Oklahoma.
- Each precinct has “built-in” bipartisan oversight as required by law. A minimum of three precinct officials – an Inspector, Judge, and Clerk – must be present at each precinct location. At least one official must be a registered member of the party with the most registered voters in Oklahoma and at least one official must be a registered member of the party with the second most registered voters in Oklahoma. The third member may be from any recognized party in Oklahoma or an Independent.
- Additional precinct officials may be from any recognized party in Oklahoma or an Independent.
- Standardized training for all Election Officials in the State ensures that each Precinct Official has been given the knowledge to properly conduct the election.
- A vigorous pre-election testing program at the State Election Board and county election boards ensures the integrity of the election database, voting devices, and ballots.
- Watchers, who must be commissioned by a candidate or a recognized party in Oklahoma, may observe the setup and closing of precincts on Election Day.
- Each county follows a detailed and thorough canvassing and certification process for each precinct and each race.
- The Secretary of the State Election Board may authorize one or more county election boards to conduct a post-election audit. Additionally, any candidate can request an official recount of his or her race by filing a petition and posting a filing fee with the appropriate Election Board no later than 5 p.m. the Friday following the election.
Voter Verification
- Oklahoma law requires proof of identity regardless of how you choose to vote – in person or by absentee ballot.
Election Day
- On Election Day, voters are required to vote at their assigned precinct, present proof of identity, and sign the precinct registry.
- Voters who request a provisional ballot must sign a Provisional Ballot Affidavit and the provisional ballot roster before being issued a provisional ballot.
Absentee (Mail or In person)
- Voters who would like to cast an in-person absentee ballot during “early voting,” must complete an application for an in-person absentee ballot, sign the Absentee Voting Board Record, and present proof of identity.
- Absentee ballots must be notarized (“standard” absentee ballots) or have the voter’s signature witnessed by two people (“physically incapacitated” absentee ballots) to ensure that the person casting the ballot is the person to whom the ballot was issued.
- Except as permitted by law, only the voter may request an absentee ballot.
- Except as permitted by law, only the voter may return his or her own absentee ballot.
- Voters confined to nursing homes and veteran’s centers vote their absentee ballots in the presence of a bipartisan Absentee Voting Board, who is authorized by law to collect the sealed ballots and return them to the County Election Board.
- "Absentee Ballot Harvesting," as defined by state statutes, is unlawful in any election in Oklahoma.
- Misinformation and disinformation are threats to election security.
- In Oklahoma, it is crime:
- To provide false or misleading information to prevent a qualified elector from becoming registered, or to prevent a registered voter from voting. (26 O.S. § 16-109)
- To directly or indirectly threaten or intimidate an election official. (26 O.S. § 16-109)
- To falsely impersonate an election official or to perform an act reserved to election officials by law. (26 O.S. § 16-113)
- To interfere with a registered voter who is attempting to vote, to attempt to influence the vote of another by means of force or intimidation, or to interfere with the orderly and lawful conduct of an election. (26 O.S. § 16-113)
- To use an electronic communication device to knowingly publish, post or otherwise make publicly available personally identifiable information of an election official with the intent to threaten, intimidate or harass. (21 O.S. § 1176)
Note: Nothing in this section should be construed as infringing upon any citizen's liberty under the First Amendment to spread false information about elections in Oklahoma. However, the Secretary of the State Election Board and other election officials in Oklahoma reserve the right to publicly correct false claims.
What YOU Can Do to Protect Elections
- Know the facts. State and local election officials should always be your FIRST and TRUSTED sources of election information. #TrustedInfo.
- Understand your voting rights
- You have the right to request a provisional ballot at the polls.
- All registered voters have the right to request and vote an absentee ballot. No excuse is required.
- Stay informed of Oklahoma election laws and voting deadlines. You will find a wealth of information on the State Election Board website.
- Notify your County Election Board or the State Election Board if you see or suspect misinformation, or if you witness a possible violation of election law.
- Remember that each state has different election laws, deadlines, and procedures. Issues that impact voters in other states DO NOT necessarily impact voters in Oklahoma.
- Keep your voter registration current. Use the OK Voter Portal to verify your information or submit a new Voter Registration Application.
Last Modified on
Feb 27, 2025