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Register to Vote in Oklahoma

It's easy to register to vote in Oklahoma!

Voter Registration Applications can be accepted at any time, but must be received at least 25 days prior to an election in order to participate in that election. Voter registration deadlines for upcoming elections are available on the State Election Board website.

Have your valid ID card ready and choose one of the options below.


  • Register online using the OK Voter Portal's Online Voter Registration System(An Oklahoma Driver License/State ID and a signature on file with Service Oklahoma is required.)


  • Fill out a Voter Registration Application using the OK Voter Portal “wizard.” (You must print, sign, and mail or hand deliver the application to your County Election Board to complete the process.)
  • Download a Voter Registration Application from the State Election Board website. Applications are also available at your County Election Board, most tag agencies, libraries, and post offices.
  • Applications must be mailed or hand delivered to your County Election Board to complete the process.


  • Register at your County Election Board office.
  • Register at your local tag agency when you apply for, update, or renew your Driver License or State ID. Submitted applications will be mailed to the State Election Board by the agent at no cost.
  • Register with select public assistance agencies when you apply for, update, or renew services. Submitted applications will be mailed to the State Election Board by the agent at no cost.



You can register to vote if you are a citizen of the United States, a resident of the State of Oklahoma, and at least 18 years old or meet the age requirement to pre-register.

  • Pre-registration - Persons who are at least 17½ years old may pre-register to vote in Oklahoma if they meet all eligibility requirements. Applicants who pre-register cannot vote until they turn 18 years old and the application has been approved by the applicant's County Election Board Secretary. Applicants will be mailed a Voter ID card upon approval of their registration.
  • Persons Convicted of a Felony – A person convicted of a felony may register to vote when he or she has fully served his or her sentence of court-mandated calendar days, including any term of incarceration, parole or supervision, or completed a period of probation ordered by any court. A convicted felon who has been pardoned may register.
  • Persons Judged Incapacitated - Persons judged incapacitated by a court may not register to vote.

You may submit your voter registration application at any time. However, the voter registration deadline is 25 days prior to the date of an election. Voter registration deadlines are available on the State Election Board website.

Mailed applications that are postmarked 24 or fewer days prior to the date of the election, or hand-delivered applications that are received by election officials or voter registration agencies 24 or fewer days prior to the date of the election, or electronic updates to a voter registration that are submitted 24 or fewer days prior to the date of the election, will be processed after that election.

If you pre-register to vote, you will be mailed a Voter Identification Card once you turn eighteen and your registration has been approved and activated by the county election board.

You do not become a registered voter until the County Election Board Secretary in the county where you reside has approved your application. Once your application has been approved, you will be mailed a Voter Identification Card to confirm your registration. Your Voter Identification Card can be used as "proof of identity" at the polls on Election Day and during "early voting."

Your Voter Identification Card lists your name, address, political affiliation and the polling place for your voting precinct. When you receive your card, look at it carefully and report any errors to your County Election Board immediately

If your Voter Registration Application cannot be approved, you will receive a letter from the County Election Board. The letter will tell you why your application was not approved and explain the steps you need to take to become registered. You may be able to return the letter with some additional information, or you may need to submit a new Voter Registration Application.

If you still reside in the same county, you can change your political affiliation and address online using the OK Voter Portal.

If you have moved to a new county OR need to change your name, you will need to fill out a new Voter Registration Application.

More information on updating your existing voter registration is available on the State Election Board website.  

EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 1, 2023: Voters who voluntarily cancel their registration must wait sixty (60) days to re-register in the same county.

Oklahoma has three recognized parties: Democratic Party, Libertarian Party, and Republican Party. You can register as a member of any recognized party in Oklahoma or select “No Party” (Independent).

Oklahoma has a closed primary system with exceptions. Generally speaking, you must be a registered voter of a party in order to vote in that party’s primary and/or runoff primary elections. However, all recognized parties in Oklahoma may open up their primaries and runoff primaries to Independent voters. See the guide below:

  • Registered Republican Voters: may ONLY vote in Republican primaries and runoff primaries
  • Registered Democratic Voters: may ONLY vote in Democratic primaries and runoff primaries
  • Registered Libertarian Voters: may ONLY vote in Libertarian primaries and runoff primaries
  • Registered Independent Voters: may not vote in any party’s primaries or runoff primaries unless it is authorized by the party; may ONLY vote in one party’s primary or runoff primary per election

NOTE: The Democratic Party has authorized Independent voters to vote in its primary and runoff elections in 2022 and 2023.

Nonpartisan judicial offices, state questions and county questions often are included in primary elections. All registered voters, including Independents, are entitled to receive those ballots. At general elections, all voters receive the same ballot and may vote for any candidate or question on the ballot.

You may change your registration at any time with one exception. You may not change your political affiliation during the period from April 1 through August 31, inclusive, in any even-numbered year. The last day on which you may change your political affiliation before the closed period is March 31; the first day on which you may change your political affiliation after the closed period is September 1. Applications received during the closed period will be held and processed after August 31.

Last Modified on Jan 30, 2025