Help America Vote Act
The Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA) is a federal law passed in the aftermath of the 2000 General Election. Intended to reform federal elections in the United States, HAVA mandated certain minimum nationwide standards in the conduct of voter registration and elections and provided millions of dollars to the States to implement the sweeping changes.
Among the initiatives included in HAVA are statewide, interactive voter registration databases, provisional balloting, voter identification for some first-time voters, and the implementation of voting systems that are fully accessible to disabled voters, including visually disabled voters, and that provide such voters with the same level of independence and privacy in the voting experience as all other voters.
The Oklahoma Response
State plan, advisory and working committee membership, meeting summaries
Biennial EAC Reports
Oklahoma's biennial reports to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (PDF)
Last Modified on
Feb 10, 2023