Absentee deadline approaches, early voting scheduled for Primary Election
CONTACT: State Election Board PIO Bryan Dean, (405) 522-6624 bdean@elections.ok.gov
Note: Audio clip of State Election Board Secretary Paul Ziriax can be downloaded online in mp3 format here: https://www.ok.gov/elections/Press_Release_Audio_Clips.html
Absentee deadline approaches, early voting scheduled for Primary Election
(Oklahoma City) – Voters have until 5 p.m. Wednesday, June 20, to request a mail absentee ballot for the June 26 Primary Election, Oklahoma State Election Board Secretary Paul Ziriax said today.
Voters can apply for absentee ballots on the Oklahoma State Election Board’s website at http://elections.ok.gov or at any of the state’s 77 county election boards.
To be counted, completed absentee ballots must be received at county election boards by 7 p.m. on Election Day, June 26.
In-person absentee voting, or “early voting,” also begins this week. Early voting will be available at all 77 county election boards across the state and at satellite locations in some counties. Early voting will be available from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday and Friday and from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday.
The State Primary Election will allow voters to pick the nominees for various federal, state, judicial and county offices for November’s General Election. State Question 788, which would legalize medical marijuana, is also on the ballot. In primary races with more than two candidates where no one receives a majority of the votes, runoffs will be held Aug. 28.
All registered voters in Oklahoma may vote on judicial officers and State Question 788. Registered Republicans, Democrats and Libertarians may also vote in their respective party primaries. The Democratic Party has opted to allow registered Independents to vote in its primary, but the Republican and Libertarian Parties opted to close their primaries to Independents.
You can view a sample ballot or check the status of your absentee ballot by using the Online Voter Tool at http://elections.ok.gov.