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Kay County Health Department

Welcome to the Kay County Health Department. We provide a variety of services at one of our two locations in Ponca City and Blackwell.

Please use the links at the left to navigate to a specific program's page. Program pages contain detailed information about services and walk-in and/or appointment times and availability.

Language Line interpretation services available for on-site services. Language Line interpretacion de los servicios disponibles para los servicios in situ. 


To protect and promote health, to prevent disease and injury, and to cultivate conditions by which Oklahomans can be healthy.


Leading Oklahoma to prosperity through health.


Service, Collaboration, Respect, Accountability.

Kay County Health Department services vary as to days, times, eligibility, and fees, if any. Kay County Health Department is an equal opportunity provider.

Office Hours

Ponca City Location

  • Monday - appointment only
  • Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - walk-in hours 8:00am-11:00am, 1:00pm-4:00pm
  • Friday - walk-in hours 8:00am-11:00am

Blackwell Location

  • Monday and Friday - closed
  • Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - walk-in hours between 8:00am-11:00am, 1:00pm-4:00pm

(closed weekends and state holidays)

Contact Information

Kay County Health Department -
Ponca City Location
433 Fairview
Ponca City, Oklahoma 74601
Phone: (580) 762-1641
Fax: (580) 762-4539

Kay County Health Department - Blackwell Location
1706 S. Main
Blackwell, Oklahoma 74631
Phone: (580) 363-5520
Fax: (580) 363-0937

Career Opportunities

Certified Healthy

1-800 Quit Smoking
