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Flu Vaccinations


Flu vaccine will be available for anyone who wants to be protected from influenza. The shot is recommended for everyone 6 months of age and older. Persons at high risk of serious complications from flu are strongly encouraged to get the flu vaccine, including pregnant women and people with asthma, diabetes, chronic heart and lung disease, or other chronic conditions. Parents and family members of babies less than 6 months of age and people who live with or care for anyone at high risk for complications from the flu, including health care workers, should also get the vaccine. 


Flu Vaccines are provided by walk-in, but we encourage you to call regarding availability. 

We do not typically carry Flu Vaccine between June - September/October.  


  • No charge for children who have no health insurance, or are on SoonerCare or are Native American or Alaskan natives, or children whose insurance does not cover vaccine

  • A $25 fee may be assessed. The health departments accepts cash, check, and credit cards for payment

  • Third party insurance billing is available

For more information, please call

  • Ponca City area: (580) 762-1641

  • Blackwell area: (580) 363-5520

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