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Presidential Primary candidate filing begins December 7

Friday, December 04, 2015


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:        Dec. 3, 2015

CONTACT:    State Election Board PIO Bryan Dean, (405) 522-6624

Presidential Primary candidate filing begins December 7

(Oklahoma City) – The window for candidates to file for the 2016 Oklahoma Presidential Preferential Primary will be open Dec. 7-9 at the Oklahoma State Election Board.

Filing will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at the election board’s office at the State Capitol, 2300 N Lincoln Blvd., Room B-6.

Candidates will be able to file for either the Democratic or Republican Presidential Preferential Primary, both of which will be held March 1, 2016.

All candidates must submit a Statement of Candidacy on which they swear or affirm they meet the qualifications to run for and hold the office of President of the United States. They must also swear or affirm that they have filed a statement of candidacy with the Federal Election Commission and that they have raised and expended at least $5,000 in their campaign.

Statements of Candidacy must be filed in person, by mail or by delivery service during the three-day filing period and cannot be accepted by fax or e-mail.

Along with the statement of candidacy, candidates must submit either a $2,500 filing fee by cashier’s check or certified check or a petition signed by 1 percent of the registered voters eligible to vote for the candidate in each of the state’s five Congressional Districts or 1,000 voters in each Congressional District, whichever is less.

To download a candidate filing packet or get other information about the filing period, visit the State Election Board’s website:


Last Modified on Oct 22, 2020
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