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Candidates for President of the United States

Filed at the Oklahoma State Election Board

December 5-7, 2011

00001 M Barack Obama, 50, 5046 S. Greenwood, Chicago, IL
00007 W Bob Ely, 53, 420 E Woodland Rd, Lake Forest, IL 60045
00008 W Randall Terry, 52, 101 Cantwell Ct., Purgitsville, WV 26852
00010 W Jim Rogers, 76, 8623 E. Reno #5, Midwest City, OK 73110
00012 W Darcy G. Richardson, 56, 7810 Fox Tail Lane, Jacksonville, FL 32219
00002 M Ron Paul, 76, 220 Blackstock Lane, Lake Jackson, TX 77566
00003 M Rick Perry, 61, 1010 Colorado Street, Austin, TX 78701
00004 M Mitt Romney, 64, 3 South Cottage Rd., Belmont, MA 02478
00005 T Newt Gingrich, 68, 7410 Windy Hill Court, McLean, VA 22102
00006 T Rick Santorum, 53, PO Box 609, Great Falls, VA 22066
00009 W Michele Bachmann, 55, 13505 4th Street North, Stillwater, MN 55082
00011 W Jon Huntsman, 51, 99 West South Temple #704, Salt Lake City, UT 84101
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