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Due to building renovations, ODL is closed to the public and available by appointment only.

Laws and Regulations Affecting Oklahoma Libraries

This collection, as provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries (ODL), is a selective unofficial compilation of links to sections of the Oklahoma Constitution, Oklahoma Statutes (primarily Title 65) and Oklahoma Administrative Code (primarily Titles 60 and 405) relating to public libraries, as well as the State Library. It does NOT include all statutes, rules, ordinances, or bylaws that may apply to a specific situation. It is intended as a convenient reference, not as a replacement for the official versions of these publications. It should not be substituted for advice of legal counsel.

Rather than reproducing the text of the statutes, links go to the actual Oklahoma State Court Network and to the Secretary of State Office of Administrative Rules. Although these web versions of the law are not official, they are updated annually and are considered reliable sources.

Please note the following explanations of CITATION abbreviations:
O.S. = Oklahoma Statutes
Okla. Const. = Oklahoma Constitution
OAC = Oklahoma Administrative Code

QUESTIONS? Contact Law/Legislative Reference.

Please note the staff cannot assist with questions on application of law, interpretations of law or legal advice.

The Constitution of the State of Oklahoma

Statutes and Rules in Citation Order

Documents Governing ODL Operations

Last Modified on Oct 24, 2024