Digital Resources
Oklahoma Collections
Digital Prairie provides open access to Oklahoma’s documents, images, publications and historical archives. It brings together Oklahoma’s own collection of unique digital content spanning more than 100 years of history from the 46th State. The resource areas found in the Digital Collection include documents, photographs, newspapers, reports, pamphlets, posters, maps, audio/visual and more.
- Documents.OK.Gov
- Archives.OK.Gov
- Images of Oklahoma Collection
- Ada Lois Sipuel Case Files
- Confederate Pension Records
- Confederate Pension Cards
- Postcards of Oklahoma
- Oklahoma Collection
- Oklahoma Governors
- State Auditor & Inspector Audits
- Territorial Records
- Tulsa Race Massacre
- Women's Suffrage
And more at DigitalPrairie.OK.Gov.
Research and Learning Tools
EBSCO is a simple intuitive search that delivers millions of online resources, including: health, business and legal information, current events, Consumer Reports, other magazines, and more — all from expert sources.
What does EBSCO have to offer?
- Explora Elementary Student Research
- Explora Middle School Student Research
- Explora Educator’s Edition
- Explora High School/Public Library Search
- EBSCOhost Espanol
- Health Research
- Consumer Health Complete
- Small Business Reference Center
- Professional Development for Teachers
If you are a representative of a library, school, or academic institution who does not have access to these EBSCO resources, contact Adrienne Butler at 405-522-3323 or
If you are having issues accessing or logging in to your account, reach out to EBSCO Support.
Brainfuse is an on-demand, web-based, online learning platform. Oklahomans have access to three Brainfuse subscriptions: HelpNow, JobNow, and VetNow. These subscriptions provide homework help, tutoring, job search and resume building assistance, support for navigating the VA system, help in seeking local resources for Oklahoma veterans, and more.
If you live in Oklahoma, you can directly access the Brainfuse subscriptions provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries through your local public library.
Grow with Google in Oklahoma
The Oklahoma Department of Libraries and the Office of Management and Enterprise Services (OMES), in collaboration with Google, are proud to announce Grow with Google: a new initiative providing tools, resources, and training courses to help Oklahomans develop digital skills, advance their careers, and grow their businesses. Through this partnership, every course is available to Oklahomans at no cost.