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Health Literacy

Take a walk. Read a book.

Story Trails in Oklahoma

A story trail is a fun and engaging activity for children and their families. Typically, an oversized children’s book is broken down into pages/sections and placed along an outdoor walking path. Families can walk along the path and read the story book with their children.

Most of these projects were funded with Health Literacy Grants to public libraries from the Oklahoma Department of Libraries and the Institute of Museum and Library Services

This infographic shows health literacy data for the United States and describes how libraries can help increase health literacy in their communities.

Examples of local health literacy activities in Oklahoma

Health Literacy Garden Project by OIC

Southern Oklahoma Library System has hosted a number of health and wellness programs in public libraries throughout south central Oklahoma. Classes included everything from healthy cooking demonstrations and Tai Chi to a hay bale garden and chair exercise classes at a Veteran’s center.

Bartlesville Public Library Literacy Services offered several classes, including Stress Management, Preventing Influenza, and Healthy Aging. Special health presentations provided basic health and wellness information to adult learners participating in the adult literacy program.

Beaver County Pioneer Library helped children understand the importance of eating fruit and vegetables during the Grow It, Try It, Like It program. During the 4-week series, library staff shared books about fruits and vegetables, and community partners talked to parents and children about healthy eating. Tai Chi, yoga, and Pilates classes were also available, free of charge, to members of the community.

Moore Public Library reached children, teens and adults through more their health and wellness classes.  Their Argentine Tango Class provided a fun and interesting way to get participants up and moving.  They also had a Back to School Health Fair that was attended by more than 255 community members.

Seminole Public Library collaborated with a number of community partners to promote physical activity with Jump Rope Clubs in schools throughout the county.  Participating third through eighth grade students improved their jumps per minute and body mass index. They also learned how to read food labels, why it is important to reduce sugar and salt consumption, and why exercise is good for heart health.

Western Oklahoma Learning Center in Elk City provided health wellness information to English language learners, seniors, and the community at large. Two family swim nights featuring water aerobics for all ages, and low intensity exercise classes were available to seniors. 

“This project gave our library a new focus based on a real community need. We have come away from this determined that providing for lifetime learning about ways to achieve healthy living will become one of our core programs.” —Marcia Johnson, Miami Public Library
“I am proud to say that I learned so much from the presenters. I have a heart issue and when I applied what I learned to my everyday life, I lost weight and feel great!—adult learner from Opportunities Industrialization Center (OIC) of Oklahoma County

“As a result of this grant, the Noble Public Library became a hub for community members, organizations, and nonprofits to create new partnerships. We were able to assist local residents with access to health information and tools. Several participants are eager for the next round of classes, frequently coming by the library to ask about upcoming dates.” —Noble Public library

Last Modified on Feb 10, 2025