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Due to building renovations, ODL is closed to the public and available by appointment only.

Library for State Employees

Library for State Employees

Due to building renovations, the lending of ODL materials and Interlibrary Loan (ILL) services will remain paused until construction is completed. If you currently have ODL materials, please return them to the library. 

Library for State Employees

State Agency Employees and Legislators are eligible to obtain a library card from the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.

With the ODL library card, you will have access to our collection of books, audiobooks, videos and more

The state employee library card works similar to a public library card.  You are able to check out materials for a period of time.

You can borrow eBooks and online audiobooks 24/7 through the Libby App with your library card number. Also, ODL provides access to numerous online resources to access a world of information. 

To apply for the state employee library card, go the ODL Library Card Online Application.

Late or Overdue Materials

Materials may be checked out and/or returned at the Circulation Desk in the Allen Wright Memorial Library. Most library materials circulate for one month with renewals available. Reference books and other materials are subject to special loan policies. Library materials may be recalled.

The Library does not charge fines for overdue materials. If any library materials are lost, stolen or not returned the patron will be billed for the actual in-print cost plus $45.00 processing. If the material is out of print, the average cost to replace the item from an out of print source plus $45.00 is assessed.

Replacement by the patron of the actual lost item can be negotiated with the circulation manager.


Email or call 405-522-3505 during our regular business hours.