Sanitarian & Environmental Specialist Registration Program
Professional sanitarians, sometimes referred to as environmental specialists, protect the public by promoting and enforcing laws and regulations which govern Registered Professional Sanitarians (RPS) and Registered Professional Environmental Specialists (RPES). Sanitarians are uniquely qualified by education in the sciences, specialized training, and creditable field experience to effectively plan, organize, manage, execute and evaluate one or more of the many diverse elements in the fields of public health and environment.
All applications must be accompained by their required materials and fees.
- Affidavit of Lawful Presence (must accompany all new applications)
- Initial In-Training, Full, or Reciprocal Registration Application
- Continuing Education Verification Form (only for use in lieu of other documentation)
- Annual Continuing Education (to accompany renewal or reinstatement form)
All fees must accompany the appropriate application.
- $25.00 for RPS or RPES application
- $50.00 for both initial RPS and RPES application
- $30.00 exam/retest fee (only if applicant does not already hold in-training registration)
- $25.00 RPS or RPES renewal fee (by January 31)
- $50.00 RPS and RPES renewal fee (by January 31)
- $35.00 RPS or RPES late renewal fee (between January 31 and March 1)
- $70.00 RPS and RPES late renewal fee (between January 31 and March 1)
- $10.00 for initial RPSIT or RPESIT application
- $20.00 for both initial RPSIT and RPESIT application
- $30.00 exam and/or retest fee
- $25.00 for initial RPS or RPES registration
- $50.00 for both initial RPS and RPES registration
- Renewal Fees: Same as regular Full registrants
- $35.00 per year lapsed + $10.00 handling, for RPS or RPES registration
- $70.00 per year lapsed + $10.00 handling, for RPS and RPES registration
- $60.00 one-time fee for RPS or RPES registration
- $120.00 one-time fee for RPS and RPES registration
- Contact NEHA (National Environmental Health Association) for information
Anything relevant to the Duty Task List may be studied as preparation for the exam; the exam includes questions from all topics on the list. References may include, but are not limited to, the following listed items.
- Title 252, Chapter 626, Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC), Public Water Supply Construction Standards
- Title 252, Chapter 100, OAC, Air Pollution Control
- Title 252, Chapter 515, OAC, Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
- Title 252, Chapter 641, OAC, Residential Sewage Disposal
- Title 252, Chapter 656, OAC, Water Pollution Control Construction Standards
- Title 252, Chapter 205, OAC, Hazardous Waste Management
- Title 63-1-101, Oklahoma Public Health Code
- OAC, Title 310, Chapter 345 – Registration of Sanitarians and Environmental Specialists
- Food Service Procedures Guide
- OAC, Title 310, Chapter 240 – Drugs, Medical Devices and Cosmetics Regulations
- OAC, Title 310, Chapter 257 – Food Service Establishments
- OAC, Title 310, Chapter 285 – Lodging Establishments
- OAC, Title 310, Chapter 315, Public Bathing Place Facility Standards
- OAC, Title 310, Chapter 320 – Public Bathing Place Operational Regulations
- Oklahoma Swimming Pool Operations Manual
- Pool Operators Permit Instruction Manual - Tulsa City-County Health Department
- OSDH Policies and Procedures, Environmental Assessments for Childhood Lead Poisoning
- Epidemiology Fact Sheet
- OAC, Title 310, Chapter 599 – Zoonotic Disease Control
- Title 27A, Chapter 1-3-101, OAC, State environmental agencies-Jurisdictional areas of environment responsibilities
- Title 11, City and Municipal section
- Licensing Requirements for Child Care Centers
- Oklahoma Landlord Tenant Act
- International Plumbing Code
- International Property Maintenance Code
- Title 63-1-1521-OAC, Smoking in Public Places Act
- Oklahoma Milk and Milk Products Act, Oklahoma Department of Agriculture
- Title 21-1439-OAC, Chapter 58 Burglar and House Breaking, County Code
- Control of Communicable Diseases Manual, APHA
- Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, APHA, AWWA, WPCF
- Chemistry for Environmental Engineers, Sawyer/McCarty
- Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants-California State University, Sacramento, Department of Civil Engineering
- Water Treatment Plant Operation, California State University, School of Engineering
Groundwater and Wells, Fletcher G. Driscoll PhD - Smallwater System Operation Manual
- Sanitarian Handbook, Ben Freedman
- Yard Waste Composting, EPA
- Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene, 4th edition, National Safety Council
- Environmental Engineering and Sanitation, 3rd edition, Joseph A. Salvato, P.E.
- 2000 North American Emergency Response Guidebook, U.S. Department of Transportation
- Pool and Spa Water Chemistry, 2nd edition, Taylor
All new applicants for In-Training or Full Registration must apply for and successfully complete the Sanitarian and Environmental Specialist Examination. Applicants approved for reciprocal Registration are exempt from this requirement.
Exams are no longer held at the Oklahoma State Department of Health. Exams are now administered through CareerTech.
In order to take the examination, an applicant must complete an application via the online portal. Once the application and appropriate payment have been received by this office, the application will be reviewed, and if the applicant has met all of the requirements a letter will be issued to the applicant that will give instructions on how to schedule the examination at a CareerTech location.
The minimum passing score is 60%. The following minimum wait periods apply before applicants are permitted to retest:
- First failure: 30-day waiting period
- Subsequent failures: 90-day waiting period
Once an applicant has achieved a passing score, their application will be reviewed by the Sanitarian/Environmental Specialist Council during the next scheduled meeting.
Maintaining up-to-date personal and contact information is crucial to being able to receive notifications, certificates, and other documentation regarding your registration.
If any of your personal or contact information (such as an email address or name change) needs to be updated, please use the online portal:
If you are requesting a name change, you must submit a copy of the legal document facilitating the name change (such as a marriage certificate or divorce decree) with your request.
Contact Information
Mailing Address:
Oklahoma State Department of Health
Consumer Health Service
P.O. Box 268815
Oklahoma City, OK 73126-8815
Physical Location:
Oklahoma State Department of Health
123 Robert S. Kerr Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK
Phone: (405) 426-8250
Fax: (405) 900-7557