Pittsburg County Health Services

The Pittsburg County Health Department offers a wide variety of clinical services and programs to men, women, and children at little to no cost. Insurance is not required to be seen, but if you have insurance, please bring your information with you.
We accept walk-ins; however, appointments are encouraged. To make an appointment, or to inquire about program eligibility and services, please call Pittsburg County Health Department.
To reduce your wait time, you may fill out and bring this client information form with you to the clinic. If you don't know where to turn for medical care, please call and we will try to help you find services.
Cost of Services:
Pittsburg County Health Department provides most health services at little to no cost. Should charges be applicable, clients will not be excluded from receiving services due to inability to pay. Insurance is not required to be seen, but if you have insurance, please bring your information with you. Contact us with questions about specific services.
Consumer Health Services
The mission of the Consumer Health Service is to protect the health of consumers and prevent disease through the licensing, inspecting, and monitoring of multiple professional, occupational and business programs. Some of the more frequently requested programs are listed below:

Links to services provided by others:
- Wells, septic tanks, drinking water or air quality contact:
- Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)
- Information on services and/or regulations of the City of McAlester
- Oklahoma food service establishment inspection results
For other OSDH Licensing and Inspection information click here. Call 405-238-7346 for questions.
For questions or concerns related to Pittsburg County, Consumer Health, contact information can be found at the bottom of the page.
- Recognize and prevent communicable disease outbreaks such as food and waterborne illness, tuberculosis, and childhood diseases.
- Report a disease-related issue locally by calling (405) 273-2157. After hours, call (405) 426-8710 to speak with an Acute Disease Service epidemiologist.
Sexually transmitted infections (STI) are infections that can be passed on from one person to another during sexual contact. They are caused by a variety of organisms including bacteria, viruses, protozoans and parasites.
In order to eliminate and prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted infections, the health department provides free and confidential testing, evaluation, health education and treatment of the following STI's:
- Gonorrhea
- Chlamydia
- Syphilis
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
The health department also performs visual examination, health education and referral services at no charge for symptoms of the following STIs:
- Pubic Lice (Crabs)
- Genital Warts
- Genital Herpes
If you have symptoms of an STI or suspect you may have been exposed, please contact the your local county health department at the contact information found at the bottom of the page.
The mission of the Sexual Health and Harm Reduction Service (SHHRS) is to protect and promote the public’s health by intervening in the transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and Hepatitis. The service concentrates its efforts in three areas: prevention and intervention - to prevent the spread of disease; care delivery - to connect those living with the disease to the care they need; and surveillance and analysis - to review data and develop plans to control the spread of disease and prevent future outbreaks.
We offer immunizations for children as well as select immunizations for adults that may require a minimum fee to protect individuals from serious communicable diseases. Please contact your local health department for availability.
- Hepatitis A & B
- Pneumococcal
- Td/Tdap
- Flu
- Meningococcal
- Varicella
- Rotavirus
- COVID-19
The Oklahoma State Immunization Information System (OSIIS) is a statewide immunization registry operated by the Oklahoma State Department of Health.
County staff identify and treat tuberculosis patients and ensure appropriate measures are taken to prevent the occurrence and transmission of tuberculosis.
The Emergency Preparedness and Response Services (EPRS) division of the Oklahoma State Department of Health protects and promotes the health and safety of Oklahomans through mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery from public health emergencies, including infectious disease outbreaks, natural disasters, and acts of terrorism. To ensure the safety of Oklahomans, our county health department works closely with state, local, tribal, and community partners to plan and prepare for responses to environmental, health, and medical emergencies.
For the latest updates on emergency response from the Health Department, follow us on Facebook.

The Child Guidance Program is a public health program that has been operating in county health departments since 1956. The purpose is to promote optimal development, healthy behavior and effective interaction for families with children. Local Child Guidance staff includes a child development specialist, behavioral health clinician, and speech pathologist.
All staff have graduate degrees in their specialties. Each professional holds either professional licensure or certification in their professional disciplines. Clinic staff work with other health department staff, professionals and community agencies and organizations to support families with young children through individual, professional or community based services.
For more information on our Behavioral Health program, Speech & Language services, and/or Child Development services, please contact your local county health department with the contact information at the bottom of the page.
Learn how to install your child’s car seat or booster seat.
Nationally certified child passenger safety technicians are available to check/install car seats and teach caregivers how to properly install car seats.
Free car seats/booster seats available
A limited number of free car seats and booster seats are available to those who qualify. Service available by appointment only. Applicant must provide proof of government assistance (i.e., WIC, SNAP, SoonerCare, etc.) The child, parent/legal guardian of the child, and vehicle MUST be present at appointment to receive a seat.
For more information, please contact your local county health department with the contact information at the bottom of the page.

Children First is a free program for first-time mothers in Oklahoma that provides personal visits with specially trained nurses beginning early in the pregnancy and continuing through the child’s second birthday.
To be eligible, participants must meet the following requirements:
- First-time mother.
- Monthly household income at or below 185% of federal poverty level.
- Less than 29 weeks pregnant at enrollment.
For your convenience, visits take place in your home. Visits begin while you are pregnant and continue until your child's second birthday. The visit schedule is tailored to meet the client's need. For additional information or to schedule a Children First visit, please contact your local county health department with the contact information at the bottom of the page.
No direct dental care is provided at the health department. Dental Health has a variety of programs to help improve dental health in Oklahoma. Fluoride varnish is provided to those 18 years of age and younger. Fluoride varnish is a dental treatment that can help prevent and slow tooth decay. Fluoride varnish is made with fluoride, a mineral that can strengthen tooth enamel (outer coating on teeth).
Family Planning helps prevent unplanned pregnancies. We help families and individuals to plan and space their children. These services are available to both men and women.
The Health Department provides Newborn Screening, Newborn Hearing Screen, Lead Screening and follow-up services for eligible County infants, children and their family.

SoonerStart is Oklahoma's early intervention program designed to meet the needs of infants and toddlers with disabilities and/or developmental delays.

WIC provides nutritious foods to supplement the diets of women, infants and children. WIC foods are specifically chosen to provide the nutrients you and your children need.
WIC promotes healthy eating, active lifestyles and nutrition education through online nutrition education, interactive nutrition & fitness group classes, and/or private consultations with WIC staff. For more information about how to apply for WIC, WIC foods/formula, breastfeeding, and health & nutrition information click here. To talk to a clerk for an individual appointment, class information or other questions, please contact your local county health department with the contact information at the bottom of the page.
The health department is available to serve as consultants in the following areas.
Health Education
Health education is an integral part of public health. Health educators provide information and resources to individuals and communities in an effort to promote, maintain and improve health lifestyles.
Important issues addressed by Health Educators include:
- Substance abuse
- Safety
- Nutrition
- Physical activity
- Smoking
- Chronic disease
Health educators are responsible for collecting and analyzing data for the purpose of researching, designing and presenting preventative health care programs. These individuals are involved in local coalitions in order to create partnerships to address concerns and issues that affect the health of communities. Health educators are often responsible for writing educational material, newsletters, public information reports and grant proposals. They specialize in various areas that include clinical health, public health, community health, industrial health and school health.
The main objective for a health educator is to prevent disease and promote health lifestyles through knowledge and behavior change.
Health education presentations and available publications are offered free of charge to the public.
Community Health Workers (CHWs) work to improve the health of individuals and the community by connecting people to programs, services and resources. CHWs can help individuals meet health goals and assist with applications and referrals for available services such as housing, food resources (SNAP, WIC, food pantries), medical resources, Soonercare, car seats, crisis resources and more.
To connect with a Community Health Worker, please contact your local county health department with the contact information at the bottom of the page.
- Physical health
- Personal hygiene
- Sexual health
- Injury and violence prevention
SoonerCare and the Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline offer tobacco cessation benefits to help you with your attempt to quit tobacco. Members may receive counseling, as well as prescription and over-the-counter medications to help them stop using tobacco. Ask your doctor for help quitting and discuss what product(s) are best for you.
SoonerCare Benefits
As a SoonerCare member, the following benefits are available:
- Counseling sessions with your SoonerCare doctor to help you quit using tobacco
- Free nicotine patches, gum or lozenges with a prescription from your doctor
- Free medications, including Zyban, Chantix, and inhaler and nasal spray with a prescription from your doctor. Talk to your doctor about the benefits of combining products. Because these are tobacco cessation products, they do not count against your six-prescription limit.
Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline
FREE tobacco cessation services are available to all Oklahomans through the Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline. The Helpline offers free, customizable services and tools to help Oklahomans quit tobacco on their own terms. Plus, patients enrolled in SoonerCare are eligible for extra tobacco cessation services.
If you don’t qualify for SoonerCare but would still like to quit using tobacco, you can contact the Helpline for free services and nonjudgmental support. Simply call 1-800-QUIT NOW or visit OKhelpline.com.
The Certified Healthy Oklahoma Program is a free, voluntary statewide certification. The certification showcases businesses, campuses, communities, congregations, early childhood programs, restaurants, and schools that are committed to supporting healthy choices through environmental and policy change.
Certified Healthy recipients are recognized as leaders in their communities for going “above and beyond” to make health and wellness a priority. Recipients are invited to a special awards event and receive widespread acknowledgement for their commitment to the health of Oklahomans.
To apply, please visit the link below:
We have staff available to help walk you through the application process. Please contact your local county health department with the contact information at the bottom of the page to get connected to one of our Medicaid Eligibility Analysts.
The population of services for Medicaid (SoonerCare) is Pregnant Women, Children under the age of 19, Parents/guardians of children under the age of 19, and SoonerPlan (family planning) for age 19 and older for prevention of pregnancy. Income requirement and household size differ depending on the benefit. Household members are determined according to who could be, or may be included on the same tax filing form.
SoonerCare (Oklahoma Medicaid) is a health coverage program jointly funded by the federal and state government. This program helps pay some or all medical bills for many people who can't afford them. The Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA) is the state agency that administers the program and determines financial eligibility for the program.
SoonerPlan is a benefit plan covering limited services related to family planning, to women and men ages 19 and older, in an effort to reduce unwanted pregnancies.
The Health Department staff also provide assistance in filling out the application for the Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Program (Oklahoma Cares). Oklahoma Cares provides SoonerCare benefits to uninsured women under 65, who need treatment for breast or cervical cancer (including pre-cancerous conditions and early stage cancer).
Oklahoma Health Care Authority offers several free publications that feature SoonerCare and Insure Oklahoma programs. These publications may be downloaded individually to obtain more information about the many programs available to offer assistance to those in need.
Contact Information
Pittsburg County Health Department
1400 East College Avenue
McAlester, OK, 74501
Phone: (918) 423-1267
Fax: (918) 423-2948