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OSIIS - Oklahoma State Immunization Information System

OSIIS collects and maintains accurate, complete, and current immunization records for Oklahomans of all ages (including patient demographics). However, not all clinics participate in OSIIS, therefore OSIIS does not contain the immunization records of all Oklahomans. Below are some helpful interactive links to more complete Oklahoma immunization data.

Health Level Seven (HL7)

Health Level Seven, known as HL7, is a set of international standards for communicating medical data between software applications that health care providers use. Using HL7 gives providers the ability to transfer and share data between providers. The ability to transmit/exchange HL7 data from an Electronic Healthcare (EHR) system that another health care provider uses is a huge time saver and is useful for providing better care to one’s patients.

HL7 also provides the user the ability to obtain a full shot record for a patient.


Childhood Immunizations

Adult Immunizations

Contact Information

OSIIS Helpdesk:
Phone: (405) 426-8580 
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Mailing Address
Oklahoma State Department of Health
Immunization Service
123 Robert S. Kerr Ave., Suite 1702
Oklahoma City, OK 73102-6406

Physical Location
Oklahoma State Department of Health
123 Robert S. Kerr Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK

Phone: (405) 426-8580
Fax: (405) 900-7612
