First Class Teacher Induction Program
The First Class Teacher Induction Program supports early-career teachers through a comprehensive structure of professional learning and targeted coaching. First-year teachers engage in professional learning sessions focused on classroom management and instructional practices. They engage in regular guidance with a site-based mentor. Second- and third-year teachers work with a virtual instructional coach to implement coaching cycles to set goals, collect evidence, analyze data, and reflect on instructional practices. Teachers who complete all teacher induction activities will be eligible to receive $1,000 stipends.
Documents to Apply for the Program
First Year Teacher Application
Second and Third-year Teacher Application
Virtual Instructional Coach Application
As of November 2018, 70 O.S. 6-195, Teacher Induction Program, supersedes the previous statute for Teacher Residency Program. Components of the Teacher Induction Program include new terminology and updated requirements.
Inductee Resources
Ten Tenets of Behavior Videos
Learn strategies on how to work effectively with students who demonstrate behaviors that impede their successful growth.
Ten Tenets of Behavior Part 1
Ten Tenets of Behavior Part 2
Core Practices in Action: Management in the Active Classroom is a series of 30 videos that support teachers to foster self-managed classrooms that are respectful, active, collaborative, and growth-oriented.
K20 Center - The University of Oklahoma
The K20 Center is a statewide research and development center which promotes innovative learning through school-university-community collaboration. The mission of the K20 Center is to cultivate a collaborative network engaged in research and outreach.
Lessons - Access and download lessons that are searchable by grade level, content area, keywords, state/national standards and time frame.
Strategy Library - Find instructional strategies to enhance classroom engagement that are searchable by group size, grade level and purpose.
Digital Game Based Learning - Engage students in gaming scenarios rooted in content area standards.
Mentor Resources
Mentoring and Induction Toolkit
The Center on Great Teachers and Leaders at American Institutes for Research provides materials, including Mentoring and Induction Toolkits, that summarize research and best practices on how to develop and implement an impactful mentoring and induction program.
Articles of Note
Better Mentoring, Better Teachers: Three Factors That Help Ensure Successful Programs - Education Week
The Good Mentor - ASCD
Beginning Teacher Induction: What the Data Tell Us - Education Week
Teacher Induction - NASBE