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Blue Car

Auto Dealer

Initiating the Pre-Registration Process

The Mason Treat Act, SB2035, creates a fundamental shift in the way temporary paper plates and metal license plates are issued in the state starting Sept. 1, 2024.  

How It Works

SB2035 requires dealers to submit pre-registration information to the state within two business days of a sale. The pre-registration information submitted by the dealer will then be used by licensed operators to mail metal plates and pre-registration decals directly to the customer within ten days (or just decals if the customer is transferring a plate).

For a comprehensive breakdown of SB2035 and a one-stop shop to access resources, you can direct your customers to

Step-by-Step Walkthroughs:

Service Oklahoma is here to support you through these changes. Read on to learn more about how you’ll submit pre-registration information starting Sept. 1.

Dealers will be able to enter pre-registration information through a dealer login on OkCARS, Service Oklahoma’s motor vehicle system. Dealers will enter pre-registration information for each sale and will select a licensed operator, formerly tag agent, to process the pre-registration transactions. They have the option to select a preferred licensed operator for all transactions or choose one for each individual sale.


Active licensed dealers can log in to an existing OkCARS login or request a dealer login. If a dealer has never been issued a dealer license plate from Service Oklahoma, they should reach out to for help creating an OkCARS login. 

To provide flexibility based on a dealer’s needs, they can also upload bulk sales transactions through a file transfer via their Dealer Management System (DMS) provider or an approved temporary tag vendor. 


If you’d like to explore the DMS option, please contact the Service Oklahoma team at for technical specifications. 

  • Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)

  • Vehicle Year, Make and Model

  • Vehicle type - blank if it is an auto, M if it is a motorcycle

  • Plate type - T for temporary or P for plate

  • Plate number

  • Date of sale

  • Buyer name, address, city, state, zip, email and phone number
  • Dealer license number (new or used)

In an OkCARS submission, the following fields will also be required.   

  • Is buyer registering in Oklahoma? If no, free form reason is required
  • Primary owner type - business or individual  

If an individual is unable to provide an email addresses or phone number, dealers may proceed as follows:


No Email: Dealers who are submitting pre-registration information through OkCARS will need to select the checkbox that state “No Email Provided”. Selecting this check box will prompt a message stating that customers will not receive notifications through the vehicle registration process. 


No Phone Number: Dealers who are submitting pre-registration information through OkCARS will need to select the checkbox that state “No Phone Number Provided”. Selecting this check box will prompt a message stating that customers cannot be contacted by phone during their vehicle registration process.


Dealers who are submitting pre-registration information through a file transfer should note that all file transfers submitted with the correct file layout will be accepted. Errors or missing fields will not result in the rejection of the file as a whole but will require research and review by Service Oklahoma or a licensed operators on the impacted transactions. 


The inclusion of all customer contact information, including email address and phone number, is strongly encouraged as effective communication is crucial to the success of Oklahoma's new quick and secure vehicle registration process.  


Dealers will have two months from the date of sale (which is when the buyer is required to complete their full registration with Service Oklahoma) to void the transaction through OkCARS or file transfer.

STEP 1: Indicate that the customer is transferring an existing metal license plate in the online form, then type the plate number along with the rest of the vehicle and customer information.


STEP 2: Double check that the customer information input into the online form is correct. This includes their name, full address, email and phone number. Have the customer verify the information.


STEP 3: Select a licensed operator to process the pre-registration information. 

  • There is a section in your OkCARS account that will allow you to select a licensed operator to use for all transactions. If this is set, then you will not have to select a licensed operator each time you enter pre-registration information. 

STEP 4: After submitting the pre-registration information, ensure that the metal license plate the customer is transferring is affixed onto their newly purchased vehicle.


STEP 5: Explain to the customer what to do next:

  • They will receive an email confirming that the pre-registration info was submitted. If the information was input incorrectly, the email will have the contact information of the licensed operator (selected in STEP 3) for the customer to reach out to. 

  • They will then receive two pre-registration decals in the mail. 

  • One decal will indicate the month the decals expire (two months from the date of vehicle purchase). 

  • The other decal will say, “TEMPORARY.”

  • The customer must place the month decal on the top left corner of their transferred metal license plate and the “TEMPORARY” decal on the top right corner. This must be done within ten days of buying the vehicle. 

  • After pre-registration, the customer must still complete full registration of their vehicle within two months of the purchase date. They will then receive the standard month and year decals to place over the pre-registration decals on the metal license plate. Only during full registration will the customer be required to pay the tag, title and tax. 

STEP 1: Indicate that the customer is not transferring an existing metal license plate in the online form, then type the number of the temporary paper tag issued to the customer along with the rest of the vehicle and customer information.


STEP 2: Double check that the customer information input into the online form is correct. This includes their name, full address, email and phone number. Have the customer verify the information.


STEP 3: Select a licensed operator to process the pre-registration information. 

  • There is a section in your OkCARS account that will allow you to select a licensed operator to use for all transactions. If this is set, then you will not have to select a licensed operator each time you enter pre-registration information. 

STEP 4: After submitting the pre-registration information, ensure that the dealership affixes a temporary paper tag onto the customer’s newly purchased vehicle. The date on the paper tag should be the date that the paper tag expires: ten days from the date of sale.


STEP 5: Explain to the customer what to do next:

  • They will receive an email confirming that the pre-registration info was submitted. If the information was input incorrectly, the email will have the contact information of the licensed operator (selected in STEP 3) for the customer to reach out to. 

  • They will then receive a new metal license plate along with two pre-registration decals in the mail. 

  • The licensed operator will have already attached the two pre-registration decals onto the metal license plate

  • One decal will indicate the month the decals expire (two months from the date of vehicle purchase). 

  • The other decal will say, “TEMPORARY.” 

  • The customer must affix the metal license plate (with the decals already pre-attached) onto their newly purchased vehicle within ten days of purchase.

  • After pre-registration, the customer must still complete full registration of their vehicle within two months of the purchase date. They will then receive the standard month and year decals to place over the pre-registration decals on the metal license plate. Only during full registration will the customer be required to pay the tag, title and tax.

Step-by-Step Guides & Video Tutorials:

Dealer Office Hours

If you have additional questions about SB2035, Service Oklahoma is here to help. For the entire month of August, our team will be hosting Dealer Office Hours every Tuesday and Thursday from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. via Microsoft Teams. Dealer Office Hours will be from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. and from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. from Monday, Sept. 2, through Friday, Sept. 6.

Connect with us!

Frequently Asked Questions

Customers who are not transferring an existing Oklahoma metal plate should receive a temporary paper tag that will be good for ten days under the new law. Temporary paper tags should be affixed onto customers’ vehicles until they receive their metal license plates and pre-registration decals. The date on the paper tag should be the date that the paper tag expires: ten days from the date of sale.


If a customer is transferring an Oklahoma metal license plate, the dealer should ensure these plates are affixed to the newly purchased vehicle instead of a temporary paper tag. 

Yes, dealers must order temporary paper tags through their motor vehicle commission-approved vendors. Authorized temporary tag vendors for both franchised new motor vehicle dealers and independent used motor vehicle dealers can be found online here

No, metal license plates will continue to be issued by Service Oklahoma licensed operators (formerly tag agents).

Yes. The pre-registration process applies to all vehicles (new or used) purchased in the state of Oklahoma on or after Sept. 1, 2024, regardless of whether the vehicle will be fully registered in another state, jurisdiction or with a tribe.  


Vehicles purchased in Oklahoma prior to Sept. 1 do not have to be pre-registered and their temporary paper tags will remain valid for two months rather than ten days.

All vehicles purchased in Oklahoma before Sept. 1, 2024, will not have to be pre-registered because their temporary paper tags will still be valid for two months rather than ten days. This means that someone who bought a car in Oklahoma on Aug. 31 will not have to get a metal license plate and pre-registration decals in ten days. However, that person must still complete full registration within two months of purchase.

Delaying the submission of the pre-registration information may result in customers receiving their metal plates and/or pre-registration decals late. Customers would then be unable to affix the plates and decals within the required ten-day window from the date of purchase. This may result in customers facing penalties at the discretion of law enforcement. 

No, the process is not changing. While the paper process for adding liens with a licensed operator is a viable option, liens can also be added during the initial sale process from dealers’ OkCARS portal. 


However, if a dealer decides to submit pre-registration information through a file transfer, liens will still need to be added through their OkCARS dealer login. 

Yes, dealers must order temporary paper tags through their motor vehicle commission approved vendors. Authorized temporary tag vendors for both franchised new motor vehicle dealers and independent used motor vehicle dealers can be found online at