Welcome to Service Oklahoma
Redefining the way Oklahomans engage with government services.
Browse All State Services
We're creating a one-stop-shop for you to navigate government services effortlessly.
Driver License & ID Cards
Driver Licenses, Permits, CDL, State ID Cards, and Disability Placards
Auto & Vehicle Services
Vehicle Registration and Titling, Registration Renewals, License Plates, and Temporary Permits
Business, Industries, & Employment
Starting a business, Licensing and Permits, and Employment Resources
Boating, Hunting, & Fishing
Boat Registration, Hunting and Fishing Licenses, Wildlife Permits, and more
Legal & Police Services
Criminal records, Medical Examiner Reports, and other Legal and Police services

About Service Oklahoma
We are Oklahomans helping Oklahomans.
Working to provide a best-in-class customer experience that's easy and supportive.