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OMMA Shuts Down Suspected Illicit Marijuana Grow

Friday, May 12, 2023

OKLAHOMA CITY – The Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority (OMMA) on Wednesday shut down a suspected illicit grow operation in Pauls Valley after inspectors found more than 200 untagged cannabis plants and five trash bags of untraceable harvested marijuana.

OMMA filed an emergency order of summary suspension and cease and desist in administrative court against Leon Berg, who first became a licensed medical marijuana grower in July 2019. 

“At OMMA, we’ve always been clear that patient safety is our top priority, and that starts with ensuring every seed, plant and medical marijuana product in our state is tracked, traceable and tested for safety,” said OMMA Executive Director Adria Berry. “We don’t tolerate egregious violations of our rules that put patients at risk. Illicit market cannabis also tilts the odds against the thousands of business owners trying hard to do things by the book, and we take our duty seriously to kick these bad actors out of our industry.”

The emergency order

Director Berry’s emergency order immediately suspended Berg’s medical marijuana business license, GAAA-41QC-TP9W, and requires the business to shut down. The licensee has 10 days to request a hearing with an administrative law judge before any further administrative action involving the license.

Director Berry issued the order following an OMMA inspection Tuesday at Berg’s grow.

According to the order

  • Inspectors saw a white trailer and a rented box truck, each parked in grassy areas on the licensed premises away from the grow buildings;
  • The white trailer had 22 flowering cannabis plants and five black trash bags of harvested marijuana, and neither the plants nor the trash bags were reported in the statewide seed-to-sale inventory tracking system or had required RFID tags;
  • The rented box truck had 179 flowering cannabis plants, none of which had the required RFID tags or were reported in the statewide inventory tracking system; and
  • Berg had no plants, no harvested marijuana and no waste reported in the statewide inventory tracking system, and no records detailing any inventory tracking.

State law and OMMA rules require all medical marijuana plants and products to be tracked from the seed stage all the way through retail sales to patients, or legal disposal. Business licensees must use the statewide seed-to-sale inventory tracking system

OMMA seized the untagged plants and harvested cannabis.

OMMA has issued about 80 emergency orders of summary suspension in 2023, all involving major suspected violations of OMMA rules like large numbers of untagged cannabis plants, diversion of medical marijuana products to the illicit market and mixing untested marijuana with plant material that failed safety testing.


Last Modified on May 12, 2023
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