In response to SB 162 becoming effective May 7, 2019, the OMMA is taking immediate action to update its processes regarding board certification requirements for recommending physicians.
- The Physician Recommendation Form has been temporarily amended. Updated instructions regarding a physician's certifying board are included. This field is no longer required on the form.
- The online application will still request this information while OMMA works with its application software vendor to update the online application to reflect this change. Patients should enter “NA” in the online application for the field labeled “Physician Certifying Board.”
- The optional physician registration form has been updated to remove items related to board certification for physicians wishing to register with OMMA.
- Language throughout the OMMA website is being updated to reflect changes regarding board certification of recommending physicians.
- Permanent changes will be implemented following the adjournment of the current legislative session, as additional legislative changes are possible.
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