The Oklahoma Medial Marijuana Authority Call Center is open and welcoming calls. The call center is staffed with 14 operators trained to answer questions regarding Medical Marijuana in Oklahoma. Authority Interim Director Travis Kirkpatrick says “it is a two tier system that will allow the operators to ask for help quickly while keeping customers on the line”.
Kirkpatrick says the current staff has undergone several weeks of training to learn the licensing process and the steps to allow them to effectively answer questions.
On average, seven hundred patient license applications and renewals are being processed weekly at the Authority which also is working on business, processor, grower and lab licenses.
The call center staff will not be able to handle legal questions involving an individual or business. Business questions regarding certificates of compliance should be directed to the city or county the business is located.
The call center number is 405-522-OMMA (6662).
You will find attached video of the call center with Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority Interim Director Travis Kirkpatrick.
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News Release