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WIC Peer Breastfeeding Counselors

Mom with baby Who Is Your WIC Peer Counselor?
A per counselor is a WIC mother just like you. She lives in your community and has breastfed her own children. She has been carefully selected by WIC to help give new mothers information about feeding their babies. She is here to give you support to meet your own goals for feeding your baby.

How Can a Peer Counselor help you
Tips for how to breast feed comfortably and discreetly in public;
Ways to stay close to your baby through breastfeeding after you return to work;
Ideas for getting support for families and friends;
Ways to get a good start with breastfeeding;
Secrets for making plenty of breast milk for your baby;
Help with breastfeeding concerns

Mothers who breastfeed:
• Are less likely to develop breast and ovarian cancer
• Are less likely to develop Type 2 Diabetes
• Bond with their babies easier
• Have less risk of postpartum depression
• May lose their pregnancy weight faster
• Feel great that they are giving their babies
the healthiest start in life

Breastfed babies have:
• Better immunity
• Fewer infections, including ear infections
• Fewer allergies
• Less diarrhea
• Less risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
• Less trips to the hospital for serious illnesses

Human milk is designed for human babies. It’s easy to digest, and changes as your baby grows to meet your baby’s specific needs. It offers the best nutrition for every stage of growth.

Children who were breastfed have:
• Less risk of becoming overweight
• Less risk of some chronic diseases that develop during childhood including:

- Diabetes (Type 1 and Type 2)
- Childhood Cancers
- Asthma
- Crohn’s disease

• Lower health care costs
• Good jaw development that promotes the growth of straight, healthy teeth

Contact Information:
101 Meadow Lane
Chandler, Oklahoma 74834
(405) 258-2640


**This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.**

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