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The Sooner Start program, sometimes referred to as Early Intervention works with families in Latimer County to help them prepare their infants and toddlers for a more successful school experience. This program is designed to help parents and caregivers with infants and toddlers with disabilities and developmental delays. The Sooner Start Program at the Pittsburg County Health  Department currently provides services for individuals residing in Latimer County.

Sooner Start is a joint effort of the Oklahoma State Board of Education, Health, Human Services, Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, the Commission on Children and Youth, and the Oklahoma Health Care Authority.

For information or to get enrolled in the Sooner Start Program in Latimer County please call Pittsburg County Health Department (918) 423-1267.

Infants and toddlers from birth to three years of age who are developmentally delayed are eligible for services.  Developmental delay in Oklahoma means:

1.)  The child has a diagnosed physical or mental condition that has a high chance of resulting in a delay, or

2.)  The child’s developmental age is 50% below the child’s actual age in one area or 25% below in two or more areas of development

Services Provided

  • Diagnostic and evaluation services
  • Information and support to parents and caregivers
  • Home visits
  • Nutrition Education
  • Nursing Services
  • Child Guidance Services
  • Occupational, physical, audiological, and speech-language therapy

Sooner Start services are provided in the child and family’s natural environment.  This may include the child’s home or daycare, and could extend to a relative’s home, the grocery store, park, or library.  There is no direct cost to families for these services, regardless of income.  This program is mandated by federal and state law and is funded through various state and federal agencies.

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