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The Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority Names New Executive Director

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Oklahoma City – Adria G. Berry has been named the Executive Director of the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority (OMMA). Berry will oversee OMMA operations, focusing on policy, regulations and relationship building.

“I’m honored and looking forward to working for citizens across Oklahoma who have been patient as the OMMA has worked to get its bearings after the passage of State Question 788 legalized medical marijuana in Oklahoma,” states Berry. “The staff at OMMA has worked tirelessly to address issues as they arise, and I’m eager to join the team and work along-side them to continue solving problems and implementing sound policy for all Oklahomans.”

Berry comes to the OMMA from The Petroleum Alliance of Oklahoma where she served as the senior vice president of government affairs and public policy. Prior to her tenure with the Petroleum Alliance, she served as policy counsel for the Stitt administration and was the vice president of government affairs for the State Chamber of Oklahoma, where she helped interpret the laws and regulations of the OMMA from a business perspective and as a member of Governor Stitt’s senior staff.

“The Oklahoma State Department of Health welcomes Berry, and we look forward to the improvement and growth OMMA will continue to see under her leadership,” said Dr. Lance Frye, Oklahoma State Department of Health commissioner. “Her extensive experience in government and public policy will prove beneficial for the agency.”

“Adria and I have worked together on marijuana legislation and other business issues, where we’ve been able to shape a working relationship built on trust,” states Jon Echols, Majority Floor Leader Oklahoma House of Representatives. “I have the utmost confidence that Adria is going to be a tremendous addition to the OMMA team.”

Berry holds a juris doctorate in public policy and regulation from the University of Tulsa and received her bachelor’s degree in political science and government from the University of Texas at Arlington.

Current Director Dr. Kelly Williams will continue to work with the agency, providing her expertise and guidance. “I am appreciative of the credentials and experience that Ms. Berry brings to the agency,” said Dr. Williams.

Berry will begin her new role as Director on Aug. 30, 2021.

The Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority (OMMA) was established in 2018 with the passage of State Question 788. The OMMA serves as the regulatory authority for medical marijuana in Oklahoma. Working with patients, licensees, physicians and business owners, the OMMA works to facilitate fair policy and regulations to ensure a safe product. Currently the OMMA serves over 375,000 patients and 12,000 businesses, and has become one of the fastest growing medical marijuana authorities in the country. For more information about the OMMA, visit


Last Modified on Jun 03, 2022
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