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Libraries can get discounts on internet service and network equipment through E-Rate, a federally funded program administered by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC).

USAC Hotline: 888-203-8100

Before You Start

If you did month-to-month last funding year; your current contract is ending; or you want upgrades that the last FCC Form 470 did not forecast, you’ll want to file an FCC Form 470 for the current funding year.

If you have a contract, and you want to stay with the same vendor, you don’t need to file an FCC Form 470 for the current funding year. Rather, you will need to do a renewal agreement with your vendor (signed by both parties). When the FCC Form 471 filing window opens, you’ll need to file an FCC Form 471.

Additionally, check your profile in EPC to see if you need to make any changes or updates. The Administrative Window closes a few days before the FCC Form 471 filing window opens.

Filing Your 470

Next Steps

  1. Print out and save 470 form
  2. Keep all your bids
  3. Make a bid scoring sheet
  4. Wait at least 28 days. “Allowable Contract Date” marks end of 28-day period
  5. Evaluate the bids
  6. Pick a vendor
  7. Execute contracts or do Month-to-Month
  8. File a 471

OUSF Pre-Approval

You can do a pre-approval for an OUSF funding decision before you do the 471. The pre-approval is optional. It’s good to get going early with e-rate to have time to get bids and see what they show. Pick a vendor and do the pre-approval to see if you’re covered or will be out any money if you decide to go with a vendor that didn’t have the lowest cost reasonable bid.

NOTE: Need to redo a 470 that's already submitted?

You can't cancel a 470. But, you can do a new one. Here's what to do:

  1. Create a new 470 and submit it.
  2. Go back to the 470 that you don't need and edit the nickname.
  3. Add the word CANCELLED and reference the new 470 application number.

Filing Your 471

Select Service Provider.

Ready to File Your 471?

Review this check list before you start:

  1. 28 days have passed since you filed your 470.
  2. You've done your Bid evaluation.
  3. You've picked your Service Provider. 
  4. You have a Signed Contract or will be using a voluntary extension renewal.

We're here to help you with any of those steps. If you answered Yes to all of these questions, you are ready to start.

Filing Your 486

Services have started and it's time to invoice.

The form 486 is the last form in the e-rate cycle.

To file your 486, log in to the E-Rate portal.

At the top right of the page click on FCC Form 486.

It will ask for a nickname, year, etc. Fill that out & Click Continue.

This page will have you select your FRN. If you scroll down a little you will already see your FRN listed. Check the box next to your FRN. Then just under it on the right, click on Add FRN. Just below that it will list your FRN again, ignore that (unless you want to remove it, which you don't) and Click Continue.

This page will say Service Info and your FRN should be listed, again check the box next to your FRN. It will then ask you for a start date, this should be 07/01/202X (whatever year we're in). Click Continue.

This page will ask you if you are going to file early & if you are out of compliance with CIPA. If the date is before July 31 select the box stating that you are filing early. If it is after July 1, do not select the box. DO NOT check the box that states you are out of compliance with CIPA. (if you are not sure, ask your consultant) Click Continue.

This page will have Certifications with 2 statements, click in both (2) boxes. It will also have 3 statements about CIPAclick the 1st box only, leave the other 2 blank. The box you click should state that you are in compliance with CIPA. Click Preview.

This page will display your information. Review it. Click Certify in the bottom right corner. A box will pop up asking you to verify the information, Click Yes.

Questions? Please email


Last Modified on Jan 07, 2025
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