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ODL Supports Public Libraries in Oklahoma

It is the mission of ODL’s Library Development Office to assist public libraries across the state to expand and improve their services. The office also assists institutional libraries.

To fulfill this mission the office provides:

  • Consultation services
  • Public Library Academy certification classes
  • Continuing education opportunities
  • Summer Reading materials and programming guidance
  • Review of state aid compliance and administration of federal grant programs
  • E-Rate assistance (USAC and OUSF)
  • and more

The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) has provided funding for many of the services that are provided by the Office of Library Development. Summer Reading, Certification, Continuing Education, and Computer Lab Classes are all services that would not be available if not for the federal funds received through IMLS.

Library Development Consultants

The Library Development staff provide statewide programs and consulting services to enhance and maintain community services.

  • Sadie Bruce manages public library data reporting.
  • Paige Harkins delivers online learning and continuing education opportunities, as well as certification through the Public Library Academy.
  • Trisha Hutcherson supports youth services.
  • Courtney Mayall offers personalized consultations, grant resources, and library policy development.
  • Adrienne Butler provides resources and guidance for individuals interested in starting a library in their community and board consultation.

To contact a library consultant, please email

Last Modified on Jul 25, 2024
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