Per OAC 310:257-15-32, the licensed establishment has the responsibility to cease operations and report if an imminent health hazard exists:
310:257-15-32. Ceasing operations and reporting
(a) Except as specified in (b) of this Section, a license holder shall immediately discontinue operations and notify the regulatory authority if an imminent health hazard exists because of an emergency such as a fire, flood, sewage backup, no hot water in the facility, insufficient refrigeration and/or hot food storage facilities available, substantial evidence or presence of a large number of insects or evidence of rodents in food or on food preparation surfaces, interruption of safe potable water supply to the facility, misuse of poisonous or toxic materials, onset of an apparent foodborne illness outbreak, interruption of electrical service for more than 4 hours, severe structural damage in the facility, an employee working with a Salmonella, Shigella, E. coli 0157:H7 or Hepatitis A infection, gross unsanitary occurrence or condition, or other circumstance as determined by the Commissioner of Health, or his designee, that shall endanger public health.
(b) A license holder need not discontinue operations in an area of an establishment that is unaffected by the imminent health hazard.
Notification may be a call or email to the local county health department during business hours. Or at any time, including after hours, a simple email may be sent to Please include in all notices, the name and license number of the establishment, the county and address, and a brief overview of the issue.