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Over 1 million COVID-19 vaccine doses administered in Oklahoma, according to CDC

Friday, February 26, 2021

The CDC’s online vaccine tracker adds federal doses administered to each state’s total count, brings Oklahoma’s total number administered to over one million

OKLAHOMA CITY — Deputy Commissioner Keith Reed issued the following statement regarding Oklahoma reaching over one million total doses of the COVID-19 vaccine administered: 

“This is an extraordinary milestone for our state — over one million doses of this life-saving vaccine have been administered to Oklahomans. It is reassuring to see this progress made, but we know the job isn’t done until we have provided the vaccine to every Oklahoman who needs it. With the upcoming EUA authorization of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, we are excited about the opportunity to get more supply in the state and to Oklahomans. 

This significant increase in administration comes as a result of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) adding data for federal doses administered to each state’s total count on their online tracker. Until now, OSDH has not had full visibility into this data. 

We have previously discussed that we believed our total count would be underrepresented as a result of the different reporting systems for state and federal vaccine data. We now have a more accurate picture of our total state data, as this addition of federal doses administered includes Oklahomans that have received the vaccine through our tribal and VA partners. 

It is great to see the significant progress our tribal and VA partners have made in administering the vaccine to Oklahomans throughout this entire response — we have been in close communication and knew it was happening, but now we get to see the tangible results of all their hard work. Our distribution efforts across the state would not be successful without partnerships like these. 

It’s important to note that moving forward, there will be a discrepancy between our vaccine data and the CDC vaccine data, since the state does not have detailed visibility into the numbers reported by partners receiving their doses directly from the federal allotment. Additionally, we have been informed that the new reported data is typically 2-3 days old. 

At this point in time, CDC has not provided a further breakdown of the data other than the total number. OSDH will provide updates if and when this information becomes available to us.” 
