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Reduce the Risk of Illness by Packing a Safe School Lunch

Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Packing a healthy school lunch is just one of the many things on the minds of parents as the new school year begins. During the morning rush, the safety of that packed lunch can easily be overlooked. Public health officials at the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) want to remind parents that it’s important to practice food safety when preparing a lunch to send to school.
The good news is there are many healthy choices to pack in a lunch which usually are safe choices, too. Most fruits and vegetables do not spoil at room temperature and low-fat milk is available in boxes that don’t need refrigeration until opened.
“For the safety of our kids, it’s important to remember these basic steps in the rush of the morning,” said OSDH Interim Consumer Health Director Lynnette Jordan. “You can even prepare the night before by setting out the non-refrigerated foods so you can focus on packing the safest lunch in the morning. Remember to start clean, keep cold foods cold and hot foods hot through the lunch period.”
OSDH recommends the following tips to keep your healthy lunch a safe lunch:
  • Keep everything cleanwhen packing the lunch.
  • Use an insulated lunch boxwith freezer gel packs to help keep cold foods cold.
  • Use a thermosto keep soup, chili and stew hot. Use an insulated bottle stored in an insulated lunch box.
  • Pack shelf-stable foods, such as crackers, peanut butter sandwiches, canned meats, packaged pudding, and canned fruits and juices, especially if you have a brown paper bag lunch.
  • Rinse fresh fruits and vegetables under running tap water and blot dry with a paper towel before packing, including those with skins and rinds that are not eaten.
  • Keep your lunch in the coolest place possible.Lunch kept in the refrigerator is best, but if one is not available keep it out of the sun and away from heat.
  • Throw away perishable leftovers, orfood that can spoil, after lunch. Pack non-perishable food items for an afternoon snack.
  • Wash your hands. Make sure kids wash their hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer before eating lunch.
  • For more information about food safety, visit the OSDH website at and type the words “food safety” in the search box.
    Last Modified on Jun 03, 2022
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