Murray County Health Department Services

Murray County Health Department is pleased to provide a variety of services across the life span. We offer services equally to men, women, and children.
Appointments are encouraged. Call 580-622-3716 with questions for any of the services listed below or to make an appointment.
You may fill out and bring this client information worksheet with you to the clinic. If you don't know where to turn for medical care, please call and ask to speak to a Community Health Worker.
Consumer Health Services
The mission of the Consumer Health Service is to protect the health of consumers and prevent disease through the licensing, inspecting, and monitoring of multiple professional, occupational and business programs. Some of the more frequently requested programs are listed below:
Links to services provided by others:
Wells, septic tanks, drinking water or air quality contact Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)
Search for city municipal codes to learn about code enforcement for private homes
Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma assistance with landlord repair concerns
View more OSDH Licensing and Inspection information. Call 580-622-3716 for questions.
- Recognize and prevent communicable disease outbreaks such as food and waterborne illness, tuberculosis, and childhood diseases.
- Report a disease-related issue locally by calling 580-622-3716. After hours, call (405) 426-8710 to speak with an Acute Disease Service epidemiologist.
- Everyone who has been sexually active is encouraged to get tested routinely.
- Test results are always confidential.
- Fees are on a sliding scale and insurance may be billed at patient’s discretion. No one will be turned away for inability to pay.
- Call 580-622-3716 to schedule an appointment for:
- Fast Track STD/STI clinic (no nurse exam, short wait time, self-collection lab test for gonorrhea & chlamydia, blood draw for syphilis and HIV)
- Those with current symptoms or a known contact will see a nurse for a physical exam with a blood draw to test for HIV and syphilis and urine test or swab for gonorrhea and chlamydia
- Sexual Health and Harm Reduction Service - Learn more about screening, diagnosing, educating, treating, individual case management, and referral services for those at increased risk for sexually transmitted infections.
- Condoms are available for free at the health department, just ask for a “brown bag.”
- We offer immunizations for children as well as select immunizations for adults.
- Vaccines for Children (VFC) for those who qualify (uninsured, underinsured, American Indian or Alaska Native children, and Medicaid eligible)
- Hepatitis B
- DTaP (Diphtheria Tetanus and Pertussis)
- IPV (Inactive Polio Vacccine)
- Hib (Haemophilius Influenzae Type b)
- PCV (Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine)
- Rotavirus
- MMR (Measles Mumps Rubella)
- Varicella (Chicken Pox)
- Hepatitis A
- COVID-19 primary and boosters
- Seasonal Flu
- Vaccines for Adults:
- COVID-19 primary and boosters
- Seasonal Flu
- Other vaccine supplies vary- call 580-622-3716 to check availability and cost information.
- The Oklahoma State Immunization Information System (OSIIS) is a statewide immunization registry operated by the Oklahoma State Department of Health. Patients may be able to access their shot record on this website. If unable to access online, bring a photo ID to the county health department to request a printout.
- Health Department Staff identify and treat tuberculosis patients and ensure appropriate measures are taken to prevent the occurrence and transmission of tuberculosis. Skin testing is provided at no charge for those with a doctor’s order, at the request of a rehab facility, or for a known contact to an active TB case. Call 580-622-3716 to schedule an appointment.
The Emergency Preparedness and Response Services (EPRS) division of the Oklahoma State Department of Health protects and promotes the health and safety of Oklahomans through mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery from public health emergencies, including infectious disease outbreaks, natural disasters, and acts of terrorism.
The Child Guidance Program provides professional services to families with children under age 13, parent education, autism, hearing, speech, and developmental screenings.
The Child Guidance Program is located in our hub county of Carter and includes:
Shari Freeland, M.S., CCPS, Child Development Specialist
Robin Cooper, M.Ed.,CCC-SLP, Speech Language Pathologist
For more information or to schedule an appointment call 580-223-9705.
Children First, Oklahoma's Nurse-Family Partnership is a voluntary family support program that offers home-based services to mothers expecting their first child. Services are provided by appointment only. Email for more information.
Family Planning helps prevent unplanned pregnancies. We help families and individuals to plan and space their children. These services are available to both men and women.
For head lice screening or return to school verification only, call 580-622-3716 and ask for a general appointment to see a nurse.
The Health Department provides Newborn Screening, Newborn Hearing Screen, Lead Screening and follow-up services for eligible County infants, children and their family.
SoonerStart is Oklahoma's early intervention program designed to meet the needs of infants and toddlers with disabilities and/or developmental delays.
Complete the online SoonerStart Referral Form. For more information, contact
WIC provides nutritious foods to supplement the diets of women, infants and children. WIC foods are specifically chosen to provide the nutrients you and your children need.
WIC promotes healthy eating, active lifestyles and nutrition education through online nutrition education, interactive nutrition & fitness group classes, and/or private consultations with WIC staff. Get more information about how to apply for WIC, WIC foods/formula, breastfeeding, and health & nutrition information. To talk to a clerk for an individual appointment, class information or other questions, please call 580-622-3716.
Community Health Workers (CHWs) connect residents to available services and resources. The goal of the CHW program is to improve the health of individuals and the community. CHWs can help individuals meet health goals and assist with applications and referrals for services such as health insurance, housing, state and federal benefits and more.
To speak with the Community Health Worker for the Murray County Health Department, call (405) 862-6735.
Contact Debra Graham, RN, BSN, to learn more about diabetes education and Diabetes Self-Management Training. Phone: 580-223-9705 Email:
Health Educators can provide presentations and consult with communities or schools on topics such as:
- Health Department Services
- Healthy Lifestyle Promotion
- Physical activity/nutrition
- Adolescent hygiene
- Sexual health/HIV
- Injury prevention
- Bullying
Health Educators also provide car seat installation checks and work with community coalitions on health fairs, teen conferences and more.
To request Health Education services, call (405) 238-7346.
OSDH District 8, serving 9 counties in south central Oklahoma, has a Mobile Wellness Unit trailer and two vans to help increase access to public health services. If you would like to request a Mobile Wellness Unit event, email
Contact Information
Address: 730 Cambridge, Sulphur, OK 73086
Phone: 580-622-3716
Fax: 580-622-2490