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Communicable Disease Control

The Woods County Health Department is responsible for conducting "investigations, inquiries, and studies concerning the disease, and especially of epidemics, and the causes of mortality..." and to take such measures as necessary to control or suppress, or to prevent the occurrence or spread of any communicable, contagious, disease.  ([O.S. 81, 63:1-106 (b) (1)])

Registered nurses and sanitarians are always available to investigate outbreaks as they occur.  In most circumstances, these professionals work as a local team with consultation from state epidemiologists to address community problems.

Our goal is to use their knowledge and observations in detecting potential public health threats due to communicable disease.

Part of our Communicable Disease service includes the confidential testing, care and treatment of sexually transmitted disease/infection and tuberculosis. STD/STI testing services can be obtained during the walk-in clinic, M-Th 8 am to 4 pm.

Wash Your Hands
Woman about to sneeze into a tissue

In addition, our Communicable Disease service assists in recognizing and preventing communicable disease outbreaks such as food and water borne illness along with childhood diseases.

To report a problem, please call (580) 327-3192.

Disease Information can be found at the OSDH Communicable Disease web site.


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