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Vaccines are among our safest and most reliable medicines. Every year, they prevent countless serious illnesses and thousands of deaths from measles, polio, diphtheria, tetanus (lockjaw), mumps, rubella (German measles), pertussis (whooping cough), hepatitis B, haemophilus influenza B, hepatitis A, and varicella (chicken pox).  About 100 million doses are given annually in the United States, most of them to infants and children as part of their routine immunizations.

With some immunizations, a single dose gives nearly complete protection. With others, a series of doses spread over months, or years, is needed for the best result. 

Vaccines, like many other medicines, can cause side effects. These are usually mild and brief.  Very rarely are they serious.  It is important for anyone getting a vaccine, or for the parents of children receiving a vaccine, to know what the vaccine is, what its benefits are, and what risks, if any, it has.  You will receive an information sheet provided by the Centers for

Disease Control (CDC) identifying the risks associated with the vaccine and steps in the event of a severe reaction to the vaccine.  If you have any questions regarding the vaccine, please feel free to ask the nurse providing the vaccine.    

Please contact the health department for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Where can I get a copy of my child's shot record?
A: As long as your child has received immunizations at an Oklahoma Health Department, we have access to print it off.

Q: What is needed to pick up a copy of a shot record?
A: We ask that you bring a photo ID in order to pick up a shot record.

Q: When does the Texas County Health Department provide immunizations?
A: Mondays and Tuesdays from 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM -4:00 PM.

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