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Communicable & Chronic Disease

Communicable Disease Control

The Health Department is responsible for conducting "investigations, inquiries, and studies concerning the causes of disease, and especially of epidemics, and the causes of mortality..." and to take such measures as necessary to control or suppress, or to prevent the occurrence or spread of any communicable, contagious, disease.([O.S. 81,63:1-106 (b) (1)])

The goal of the local health department is to use their knowledge and observations in detecting potential public health threats due to communicable disease.

Tuberculosis screening and treatment
Sexually transmitted diseases
HIV testing and counseling
Measles, mumps, and rubella outbreaks
Hepatitis outbreaks
Various other diseases, which are defined as "communicable"

Chronic Disease Screening

Chronic Disease Services provided according to your health history may promote a healthy lifestyle, delay or prevent heart disease, cancer, or diabetes; and help you feel as well as you can. If your problems can be found early, early treatment may reduce your chances of developing complications or disabilities.

Review of your personal health habits
Measurement of your blood pressure
Breast exam-including how to do your own breast exam
Pap smear
Weight and height
Health education
Referral and follow up of abnormal findings

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