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The Oklahoma State Department of Health is committed to strengthening and maintaining its "best practices", community driven approach to the provision of services.  Two programs have been established to support our participation and leadership within our communities: Partnership Engagement and Accreditation Coordination. 

Accreditation Coordination

The Oklahoma State Department of Health was among the first group of health departments in the country to receive voluntary accreditation through the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) in 2013. Since that time, Oklahoma County Health Departments have followed suit, supporting the state accreditation, and moving toward their own accreditation. 

The Payne County Health Department in no exception. Currently in the "Preparation" phase, the Payne County Health Department is working with the Payne County Live Well Coalition (a group of community partners dedicated to improving Payne County's health) to complete a Community Health Assessment and Community Health Improvement Plan.  

The accreditation process helps to ensure that the programs and services  provided by the Payne County Health Department are as responsive as possible to the needs of our community.  With accreditation efforts, we are demonstrating increased accountability and credibility to the public, funders, elected officials and partner organizations with which we work.  To receive accreditation, a health department must undergo a rigorous, multi-faceted, peer-reviewed process to ensure it meets or exceeds a set of quality standards and measures.  For more information please follow this link:  PHAB.

Partnership Engagement

Partnership Engagement starts at the local level, building broad community support and participation in public health priority setting and action. Partnership Engagement begins with what some would call "social capital," engaging and linking affected people at the local level. Partnership Engagement is anchored in two convictions: communities have strength and everyone has a stake in public health.

Payne County's Regional Partnership Consultant works closely with the Payne County Live Well and Stillwater Live Well Coalitions, and other community partners, to continue building and strengthening broad community support and participation.

For more information on the Partnership Engagement or more information/how to join the Payne County Live Well or Stillwater Live Well Coalition, email us here. 

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