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Emergency Preparedness and Response

What is a public health emergency?

An event, either natural or manmade, that creates a health risk to the public.

Types of Public Health Emergencies

  • Extreme weather conditions and natural disasters
  • Deliberate releases of biological and chemical agents or radiological threats
  • Epidemics and pandemics of influenza and other communicable diseases

Public Health Emergency Preparedness Hot Topics

Are You Ready?

National Preparedness Month - #NatlPrep

Click Here for National Preparedness month information, activities and ways to take part!

Don't wait. Communicate.

Are you looking for a new and exciting volunteer opportunity? 

Join Oklahoma Medical Reserve Corps (#‎OKMRC). OKMRC provides citizens training for swift response after a disaster strikes. 

Help make a difference in your community today.To learn more about becoming an MRC volunteer click the logo below:


Prepare Your Family

Be aware of and prepare for your family’s unique needs in an emergency.  Make a family plan in advance and build a readiness kit. (Click the images below for more information from Ready.Gov). 

Family Plan

Emergency Kit

Disaster & Flooding Resources

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