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LeFlore County Board of Health

Since 1964, Oklahoma Statutes require a county Board of Health consisting of five members all of whom must reside in the county they serve.

The State Commissioner of Health appoints one member who must hold a school administrator certificate issued by the State Board of Education; the board of county commissioners appoints two members; one member who is a MD or DO, or if an MD or DO is unavailable to serve, a dentist, optometrist, or a registered nurse; the other member who may be a member of the board of commissioners.

LeFlore County Board of Health Members

Member Appointed Term Expires Appointed By
Stephen Hembree 07/01/1989 06/30/2021 Commissioner of Health
Dr. Charles Cook 09/19/2007 06/30/2019 County Commissioners
Robert Craig 07/01/2018 06/30/2022 Associate District Judge
Lance Smith 04/04/2016 Indefinite County Commissioners
Julie Clark 11/01/2016 06/30/2020 Commissioner of Health
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