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(Women, Infants and Children)

What is WIC?

WIC  is a federally funded program administrated by the Oklahoma State Department of Health that provides nutrition education and supplemental food for those who qualify.

Studies show WIC helps:

Reduce miscarriages and get babies off to a healthier start
Reduce premature births
Increase the birth weight of newborns
Decrease the incidence of iron deficiency anemia in children
Improve the diets of women who are pregnant or have recently given birth
Achieve recommended weight gain during pregnancy
Increase early prenatal care
Improve children's diets to make them healthier

What does WIC provide?

Nutrition and breasts feeding education and counselling
Benefits to purchase foods such as: milk, juice, cheese, cereal, beans, eggs, peanut butter or infant formula.
Breast pumps for mothers who qualify
Referrals to health and social services

Who is eligible for WIC?

Women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have recently given birth
Children up to age of 5

Who may apply for WIC services for a infant or child?

Parent, Guardian or Proxy

How can I qualify for WIC benefits?

Live in the state of Oklahoma
Have a family income within program limits
You will need to provide proof of identification, income, and address when you come in for your WIC appointment.
You may be eligible for WIC if you receive Medicaid, Food Stamps or TANF benefits

How do I apply for WIC?

Call the WIC clinic in Latimer County at (918) 465-4956

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