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The purpose of the Tuberculosis Program is to identify and treat clients with tuberculosis, ensure appropriate measures are taken to prevent the occurrence and transmission of tuberculosis, analyze tuberculosis related data for program planning and evaluation, and ultimately eliminate tuberculosis in Latimer County.

Tuberculosis Services include:

  • Provide TB skin test (PPD) for contact cases
  • Follow-up and treatment for those with active TB and/or a positive skin test


No fee is charged for the following persons:

  • Specific order to perform a PPD from any physician. 
  • All TB cases and TB suspects at the CHD initial workup.
  • Persons with chronic cough (greater than 2 to 3 weeks) or other symptoms of TB.
  • Contacts to TB cases and suspects in accordance with contact investigation guidelines.
  • Persons with known medical risks factors for disease or reactivation.
  • Clients referred to the CHD who had a "positive" TB skin test (PPD).

A $10.00 fee is charged for the following persons:

  • Persons who receive regular monitoring of PDP status as an employee.
  • Nursing home or juvenile residential employees or residents.
  • College or university students or for higher education school entry.

Clients are required to return 48 - 72 hours after receiving their skin test (PPD) to complete the process

For further information call Latimer County Health Department at (918) 465-5673.

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