SoonerStart Early Intervention
SoonerStart is Oklahoma's early intervention program designed to meet the needs of infants and toddlers with disabilities and developmental delays. SoonerStart is a voluntary program.
Who's eligible?
Infants and toddlers through 36 months of age who have developmental delays or have a physical or mental condition (such as Down Syndrome, cerebral palsy, speech problems, etc.) that will most likely cause a developmental delay.
Services are offered at no cost to families regardless of their income. This program is regulated by federal and state law, and is funded through various state and federal sources.
SoonerStart can help you:
1. Learn about and enhance your child's development.
2. Find information and community resources.
3. Connect with parent-to-parent support networks.
4. Find information about Head Start and Three Year Old programs when your child gets close to their 3rd birthday.
SoonerStart professionals in your community can provide a developmental evaluation in the event you have questions about your child's development. If your child is eligible for services, SoonerStart can provide services where your child typically spends time: for example, home or daycare.
SoonerStart services may include:
-evaluation services
-case management
-family training, counseling and home visits
-certain health services
-nursing services
-vision services/hearing screening
-nutrition services
-occupational, physical and speech-language therapy
-special instruction
The Bryan County SoonerStart team serves Atoka, Bryan, and Marshall Counties.
You can find more information regarding the SoonerStart Early Intervention program by visiting the State Department of Education Website.
You may contact us at (580) 924-6562 or by calling the Bryan County Health Department at (580) 924-4285 should you have any concerns about your child's development.

A: To be eligible for SoonerStart services a child must be between the ages of birth and 36 months and exhibit a developmental delay or have a diagnosed physical or mental condition which has a high probability of resulting in developmental delay.
Q: What can my child and family expect from SoonerStart?
A: To help parents/caregivers and the child gain skills, knowledge and confidence they need to be successful.
Q: Who is the SoonerStart Team?
A: The Team consists of the family, resource coordinator, and the most appropriate licensed service professional.
Q: Who can make a referral?
A: Parent, doctors and other health professionals, family members, childcare professionals, neighbors, friends, and other interested individuals.
Q: What information is needed to make a referral?
A: - Child's name, gender and date of birth - Name, address and telephone number of parent or legal guardian - Reason for the referral - Child's diagnosed physical or mental condition as applicable - Child's insurance information, if known -Your name and contact information