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Health Department Emergency Preparedness and Response

Pittsburg County Health Department is dedicated to protecting the health of the residents of the community.  The health department's critical role in disaster preparedness and response includes response planning, surveillance and early detection of communicable diseases, emergency communications, training and education. The health department actively collaborates with local, regional, state and federal agencies to prepare for and respond to incidents that could threaten health. The staff is committed to providing accurate and practical information about public health emergencies.

Volunteer Opportunities through the Oklahoma Medical Reserve Corps

Following the terrorist attacks on September 11, many healthcare professionals wanted to volunteer to help. However, there was no system in place to efficiently identify them, check credentials, train and assign them to the "right place at the right time." Under the Office of the U.S. Surgeon General and the White House's USA Freedom Corps, the National Medical Reserve Corps was created in 2002. The main objective of this program is to establish a system to identify, train, and organize health professionals and lay volunteers to supplement and support on-going emergency response systems and personnel. The MRC is a national network of local, community-based groups of medical, public health, and other volunteers who prepare for and respond to all-hazards.

The OKMRC is Oklahoma's only medical and public health volunteer program. The OKMRC is a statewide system comprised of specialty teams and county units operating under the authority of local county health departments. For more information or to apply online, visit

Family Emergency Plans

Start protecting your family today by creating a family emergency plan. The Oklahoma State Department of Health provides an easy-to use template for you to create your own family emergency plan. Download, print, and complete this valuable tool. Make sure you discuss the plan with all of your loved ones to ensure that everyone will know what to do when disaster strikes.


Preparedness for Natural & Man-made Hazards  [Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)]

Oklahoma Emergency Preparedness and Response Service [Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH)] 

Helping Children Cope With Terrorist Attacks (Purdue University Extension)

For more information on Emergency Preparedness please contact:

Local Emergency Preparedness and Response Coordinator
Office Phone: (580) 889-2116

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